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Message #01635
Re: FEniCS 1.0-beta2 releases
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:18:47PM -0700, Johan Hake wrote:
> On Friday October 28 2011 10:16:06 Garth N. Wells wrote:
> > On 28 October 2011 18:03, Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > I'll make a release now.
> >
> > Done.
> Thanks!
> For the record. If you want to share the burden of releasing software speak
> out. I guess this issue will be addressed in the suggested development model!
In the development model, it is the job of the release manager to make
the releases (for stable releases), but I would be very greatful for
some help when it's time to make beta3 or rc1. It would also be useful
to get more testing of the release script (fenics-release availabe in
the fenics-dev repo). It is mostly automated but some manual work is
Something that I forgot to add is version numbers for the different
components. As a rule of thumb, we suggest that the same version
number is always used for
but not for
FIAT, UFC, Instant
But when I think of this now again, if we're serious about only fixing
bugs in each series, then the releases shouldn't need to be
coupled. Naively, FFC 1.0.i should work with UFL 1.0.j for any i, j
(disregarding bugs), unless there are bugs that can only be fixed by
breaking the interface between components.