fenics team mailing list archive
fenics team
Mailing list archive
Message #01755
Re: Mail from launchpad
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Martin Sandve Alnæs <martinal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That's because you don't differentiate between lists. Bugs and answers don't
> contain enough information to differentiate between e.g. dolfin and ufl.
I use this filter (in Gmail) for DOLFIN (and similar for the other projects):
Matches: (launchpad.net ("affects dolfin" | "subscribed to dolfin" |
"registrant for dolfin" | "subscribed to branch lp:dolfin" |
"blueprints.launchpad.net/dolfin" | "your team dolfin core team" |
"answer contact for DOLFIN"))
Do this: Apply label "DOLFIN"
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