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Message #01862
Noslip in x-direction of the hyperelastic cbc.twist case
Dear Fenics-Userlist,
I want to release the twisted cube from cbc.twist such that at
x[0]==1.0 only movement in y,z-direction is possible.
Does anyone have an idea? I don't see, how I should formulate the
boundary condition using Expression() to fix only one value of the
displacement-vector. The code below produces a pretty weird result...
from cbc.twist import *
class Release(Hyperelasticity):
def mesh(self):
n = 8
return UnitCube(n, n, n)
def end_time(self):
return 2.0
def time_step(self):
return 2.e-2
def is_dynamic(self):
return True
def time_stepping(self):
return "CG1"
def reference_density(self):
return 1.0
def initial_conditions(self):
"""Return initial conditions for displacement field, u0, and
velocity field, v0"""
u0 = "twisty.txt"
v0 = Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "0.0"))
return u0, v0
def dirichlet_values(self):
clamp = Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "0.0"))
twist = Expression(("0.0", "x[1]", "x[2]"))
return [clamp, twist]
#return [clamp]
def dirichlet_boundaries(self):
return ["x[0] == 0.0", "x[0] == 1.0"]
#return ["x[0] == 0.0"]
def material_model(self):
mu = 3.8461
lmbda = 5.76
material = StVenantKirchhoff([mu, lmbda])
return material
def __str__(self):
return "A prestrained hyperelastic cube being let go"
# Setup and solve problem
problem = Release()
print problem
problem.parameters["solver_parameters"]["save_solution"] = True
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