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Re: Tensors


On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 11:08:42AM -0500, Anders Logg wrote:


> Karin Kraft and Johan Jansson have already implemented a prototype
> version of boundary integrals in DOLFIN as far as I understand, so I
> only need to implement the remaining portions in FFC. I will probably
> also need to request some new features from FIAT so I can tabulate
> basis functions on faces/edges of the reference cells.

Yes, we have a DOLFIN implementation in 2D with a manually generated
FFC-style header file for a reference case. I can send you the
relevant files with some explanatory comments if/when you start
working on this. Or if someone else wants to work on it perhaps, maybe
it's a good idea to try to have several developers working in every
component so that a single person doesn't get swamped?

I think Rob has already implemented tabulation over boundary entities,
check out this message:



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