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another ffc issue


Hi, I have the latest ffc from mercurial, I'm trying to compile
the weighted Laplacian to do some ferari tests and get coefficient

def main():
    shape = "triangle"
    degree = 2
    el = FiniteElement("Lagrange",shape,degree)
    k = Index()
    dx = Integral( "interior" )
    u = BasisFunction( el )
    v = BasisFunction( el )
    w = Function( el )
    lap = w * u.dx(k)*v.dx(k)*dx
    formc = build( lap , "ferariform" , "raw"

Gives the message:

Compiling form: w0_a0(dXa1/dxb0)(dXa2/dxb0) | va0*((d/dXa1)vi0)*((d/dXa2)vi1)*dX Finite element of test space: Lagrange finite element of degree 2 on a Triangle with 1 components Finite element of trial space: Lagrange finite element of degree 2 on a Triangle with 1 components Finite elements for functions: [Lagrange finite element of degree 2 on a Triangle with 1 components]
Compiling tensor representation for interior
Computing reference tensor, this may take some time...
Computing the reference tensor (864 entries), this may take some time...
........................................................................ ........
Reference tensor computed in 0.0297 seconds.
Compiling tensor representation for boundary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pg.py", line 394, in ?
  File "pg.py", line 364, in main
    formc = build( lap , "ferariform" , "raw" )
File "/Users/kirby//lib/python2.4/site-packages/ffc/compiler/compiler.py", line 139, in build
    form.cK = __compute_coefficients(form.projections, format, cK_used)
File "/Users/kirby//lib/python2.4/site-packages/ffc/compiler/compiler.py", line 202, in __compute_coefficients
    value = format.format["coefficient table"](n0, k)
KeyError: 'coefficient table'

Robert C. Kirby
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
The University of Chicago
"Mathematical software should be mathematical."

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