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can i do something like this: if i have an operator yielding actually a constant as def V(v): return dot(grad(v),grad(v))*dot(grad(v),grad(v))
If you use 'V' (and similar functions) in many places of your form I'm not surprised that it runs out of memory. It's not an 'error' on your account it's just due to the way things work currently which means that premultiplying terms with derivatives of functions makes the compile time blow up or in some cases even prevent compilation as it did in your case.
aha, so it is better to write out full things in the forms for a,L, that would mean i shouldn't use further terms à la V(v).
due to the powerlaw behavior if have dot-products which have the form as (here v=test,u=trial,u0=func)
dot(|grad(u0)|*|grad(u0)| * grad(u), grad(v)) where |grad(u0)| is dot(grad(u0),grad(u0)) so using M=dot(grad(u0),grad(u0))*dot(grad(u0),grad(u0))*dx in another form-file should may work? patrick
can i use vv=Constant("triangle") for this term and implement the above term in another form file as M=dot(grad(v),grad(v))*dot(grad(v),grad(v))*dx ?That would be an excellent idea.or does it help when i define the (other) possible terms in the way of V(v) in the same form file so that the bilinear & linear forms are reduced?I'm not sure I understand this. Kristianthanks for the help, patrick
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