coords = Function(iso_vector)
a = dot(grad(u), grad(v)*dx(0, {"coordinate_function" : coords})
coords = Function(iso_vector)
a_t = dot(grad(u), grad(v))
a = a_t*dx(0) + a_t*dx(1, {"coordinate_function" : coords})
I am a little unclear on what this means.
Which would allow for both an isoparametric and affine parts of the domain
as separate integrals, but would
allow the same test, trial, and coefficients to exist for both. This would
allow one to treat curved
boundaries and non-curved interiors, and is totally general -- if you want
part of your form to be radial or
parabolic, you could do it. This is basically what I'm doing right now,
only I've had to devise ways around
the present system by first inverting the affine jacobian and then applying
the isoparametric jacobian. I
apply this with the form transformation machinery. Also, the facet
integral would have to be rewritten to
accomodate a full transformation rather than what is done now. I've gotten
around this as well, but it took
some work. No offense, but it seems to need a rewrite anyways, especially
for the optimization. (I had it
eat all my memory and die when I tried to turn on optimization on a facet
integral that involved a tensor.)
I think you could have affine and non-affine with the other approach too,
but I guess having affine and non-affine interior facets would be a
problem. But I'm not sure how the notation you listed above actually
deals with having affine and non-affine elements. What exactly is the
Obviously, I am biased, but I think that having non-affine everywhere
would be easier to implement in FFC.
demo code I sent out. And the syntax that I propose would do that. I
admit, it would be nice to have a variable quadrature rule over the
different entities based on whether or not they are affine. You might be
able to do this with what I wrote below, but you would need some boolean
functions telling you what was affine and what was not, and I admit this
is wonky. having non-affine everywhere is more expensive, but is not the
end of the world.
- Shawn
I'm totally willing to sift through FFC to do this, but I sort of need to
know where to start. Kristian, any
hints? (oh, and I still am looking at the quadrature stuff, but it's been
a busy summer for me here at KTH.
:) )
- Peter
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Shawn Walker <walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Kristian Oelgaard wrote:
Quoting Shawn Walker <walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello. I would like to know how hard it would be to modify FFC (and
to do the following.
Here is the sample .ufl file:
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
vector = VectorElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
v = TestFunction(element)
u = TrialFunction(element)
f = Function(element)
G = Function(vector)
a = inner(grad(v), grad(u))*dx
L = v*f*dx
And I would like to do the following in C++:
// in C++
a.G = Some_Function;
Basically, I just want to attach to `a' some external function that does
NOT appear in the bilinear form. How hard would that be? I'm not sure
what the UFL syntax should be. This is for the higher order mesh stuff.
I'm sure it's possible, but does it make sense that a has a function
attached on
which it does not depend?
The code that will be generated from this form, will not use G in any
way, so
how do you plan on using it? For higher order mesh stuff, should one not
triangle = Cell("triangle", 2) # Cell() is defined in in UFL
and then define the finite element as:
element = FiniteElement("CG", triangle, 1)
maybe we should/could attach the function G to the cell if you intend to
this to compute the geometry?
Yes, that is exactly what I want to do! I'm not sure completely about the
Syntax though. Would this make sense:
# this is just a normal lagrange polynomial over a straight triangle
G = VectorElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
# now define what the higher order element is
my_triangle = Cell("triangle", G)
# then define the element
element = FiniteElement("CG", my_triangle, 1)
That way it is clear that G influences what the shape of the triangle is,
and it splits up the implementation in a nice way. How about this?
- Shawn
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