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[Question #247008]: unity UI scales twice; unity-tweak-tool doesn't remember settings


New question #247008 on Unity Tweak Tool:

hi all,

not sure whom to ask, can't find anything related to my issue on the net -- besides the fact that UI scaling is "being actively developed".

so, I'm on one of those new ultrabooks with HiDPI screen (Yoga 2 Pro, 13.3" 3200x1800 native res); Trusty Tahr beta up to date. Setting the scaling factor (to 1.62) via the Displays applet in System Settings scales majority of the UI elements (and fonts in some but not all places) nicely. The non-scaled places require installing Unity Tweak Tool (or Gnome tweak tool). The Font scaling factor in the Unity Tweak Tool automatically shows 1.62 also (reading off the display scaling, I guess), and the fonts across the UI start respecting this value -- either after logout-login, or changing the font scaling value in UTT back and forth. On the next login, this value (in UTT) will be showing 2.6, with the fonts scaling up reflecting this new value. If left unchanged, on the next login the value will be 3.7 or thereabout.

UTT does not save the corrected value. If corrected all the way down to 1.0, on the next logout-login UTT will again show 1.62, and the escalation cycle will repeat...

Gnome Tweak tool behaves similarly.


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