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Re: HA for MySQL and ceph-mon: active/active?


> Q3. Neutron - is it in active/standy HA? I got this understanding from
> docs and want to understand why.

l3 and dhcp agents managed by pacemaker. Pasemaker controls, that one
instance of agent always started. If agent (or node at all) die --
pacemaker restarts it on another node. After this we start script, that
reschedule all routers/networks from dead agent to alive.

> I was told that Grizzly and Havanna support multiple l3 agents, but we
> don't leverage it on some reason in Fuel.

Yes, it supports, but haven't native rescheduling mechanism. We have tasks
for divide "controller" and "network router" node reles. In this taskset I
plan make special rescheduling agent for support multiple l3/dhcp agents at
