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Message #01004
Re: Queries on Open Stack deployment
For #1, IceHouse deployment is expected for the Fuel / Mirantis OpenStack
5.0 version tentatively planned now to release on May 16th.
- David J. Easter
Director of Product Management, Mirantis
From: "Karthi Palaniappan (CW)" <kpalania@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 7:47 AM
To: "fuel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fuel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Nataraj Mylsamy (CW)" <nmylsamy@xxxxxxxxxxx>, DL-GRP-ENG-SQA-Open
Stack <DL-GRP-ENG-SQA-OpenStack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Fuel-dev] Queries on Open Stack deployment
I have few queried in Mirantis openstack deployment. Could you please
confirm the same?
1. MirantisOpenStack-4.1.iso is having Havana stack not Ice House
stack. Is there any latest ISO which is having Ice House stack?
2. Is this the recommended architecture for Mirantis certification on
Brocade VCS plugin?
I have 4 VMs (fuel master node IP :, fuel slave 1 :,
slave 2 : and slave 3 : hosted on a physical
machine(Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS running machine), I used virtual box script to
create these VMs, then I created a new environment with 1 VM as controller
node and 2 VMs as compute node. If I try to ping between VMs the
communication will be via OVS bridge instead of Brocade VDX device (L2
switching device) so I am not sure whether we can test our VCS plugin code
with this test bed.
3. Shall I use physical server as one more compute node managed by
this fuel master node?
a. If yes, How can I include/discover the physical compute node in
OpenStack cluster?
b. we are going to use neutron network isolation using OpenVswitch and
VLANs. Siced I used fuel script It have created 3 virtual NICs. In case of
physical node how can I go with the interface configuration? Shall I go
ahead with default interface configuration or modified one?
Note : Physical server¹s eth0 is connected to management network.
Default interface configuration
Modified interface configuration
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