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Re: [RFC] libgeda data structures and algorithms


On Sunday 16 December 2012 19:18:58 Ivan Stankovic wrote:

> It's nice that you brought this up since it shows the real problems in
> current libgeda implementation that are preventing us from moving
> forward and doing cool things. My feeling is that, however you intend
> to solve these and other such problems, you will end up with a
> rewrite of most of gEDA code.

We're probably going to need it anyway.  People have brought up some 
concepts that need multithreading to work well (e.g. online DRC, 
continually keeping a netlist up-to-date in the background, etc.), and 
libgeda in its current state just isn't capable of doing that.  There 
are also a bunch of ideas out there that would really benefit from 
reference-counted primitives in the library, which we also lack.  If the 
answer really is "Rewrite ALL THE THINGS", so be it.

Ideally, it would be nice to do it in the context of the existing code, 
so that we can bring all the tools along with us.  But I don't think I 
can emphasise enough that I am not aiming for perfection, but for 
*success*, i.e. delivering tools that people can use to do things.


Peter Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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