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getdeb-collaboration team mailing list archive

Archive and web services status


we have done some changes and I hope our services will be stable for some
time now.

The archive, www.getdeb.net and www.playdeb.net have been moved to a new
virtual server (thanks to clustercube.com which is offering the hosting).
Due to traffic concerns there have been some changes on the archive:
- The main archive is no longer browsable, prevents direct links downloads
from archive.getdeb.net
- The pre-karmic were removed form the archive, the archive size is now 26GB
(it was >70 with the other releases).

It is now possible to publish updates but there is an extra delay, updates
are copied from the build server to the old archive server, at earch 30mins
the new archive is sinchronized with the old archive.

The current architecture is not definitive, we will continue procuring for
better solutions in the future.

João Luís Marques Pinto
GetDeb Team Leader