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Re: Introduction and plans


Am Mittwoch, den 17.04.2013, 22:39 +0200 schrieb jens persson:
> Hello all!
Hello Jens,

and welcome (back) to Gourmet!

> I thought that I should introduce my self and get some feedback on a
> plan for coding on gourmet that I have.
> First introductions, I'm a 45 year old Swede living
> in southern Sweden. I rediscovered gourmet some months ago and started
> using it. Some weeks later I found my own code in there, it seems I
> did some translation work 2006, that I had totally forgotten
> about :-). On networks I tend to go by "Mr Shark" as a handle.
> Then my plan, I tend to import a lot of recipes from the web and have
> had a look at implementing support for more websites. I have started
> of with one Swedish site (ica.se) and sent a pull request on github,
> but since I tend to "shop around" for recipes quite a bit there will
> be more of them later. Are there any thoughts on how importers should
> be structured? There is a risk that there will be many :-)

Well, currently the "one python module per website" policy seems
reasonable to me. 

I've just merged your pull request, also see my comment there:
> My current thinking is that I'll start by add support for more sites
> and then see what patterns emerge and later do some refactoring to
> pull out the essentials.
Sounds like a good strategy.

See you around!
