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[Question #88656]: Centos 5.4, no graphs visible under Tree


New question #88656 on Graphite:

Okay, I'm trying to get graphite working on Centos 5.4, this is in a Vmware virtual machine. It's a fresh install. I've blown away the VM and started over twice, just in case I missed something stupid. 

It seams like Carbon is working, Graphite is able to graph when I manually enter the info. Problem is, I see no graphs under Tree. It's all blank. I might be able to send the VM somewhere if need be, but be warned it's 1 gig uncompressed.

Here are my notes: 

Centos 5.4, fresh install on a fresh VMware Virtual Machine. 

Graphite Install (0.9.4): 

Following Instructions on site (http://graphite.wikidot.com/installation)

- Needed non centos rpms, Used http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/ 



Instructions on Website typo: 

cd /usr/local/graphite/web/  <-- dir doesn't exist
sudo python manage.py syncdb
# you will be prompted to create an admin user, this is a good idea

I'm taking it to be 
cd /usr/local/graphite/webapp/web

which returns:

Could not import web.local_settings, using defaults!

cd /usr/local/graphite/carbon
sh init-script.sh start
python example-client.py
(no errors so far, checked all carbon logs.)
Wed Nov  4 19:19:16 2009:  update_many: ../storage/whisper/carbon/agents/generic/pointsPerUpdate.wsp 1 data points took 0.000082 seconds
Wed Nov  4 19:19:16 2009:  update_many: ../storage/whisper/carbon/agents/generic/committedPoints.wsp 1 data points took 0.000093 seconds
copied graphite-vhost.conf into apache dir

navigate to localhost : 

I see top bar (graphite logo, cli , login/documentation) but nothing else. Something wrong here. 

going thru log files I see: 

webapp-access.log: - - [04/Nov/2009:21:14:08 -0600] "GET /content/js/extJS/adapter/prototype/prototype.js HTTP/1.1" 404 322 - - [04/Nov/2009:21:14:08 -0600] "GET /content/js/extJS/adapter/prototype/scriptaculous.js?load=effects HTTP/1.1" 404 326 - - [04/Nov/2009:21:14:08 -0600] "GET /content/js/extJS/adapter/prototype/scriptaculous.js?load=effects HTTP/1.1" 404 326

[Wed Nov 04 21:14:08 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/local/graphite/webapp/content/js/extJS/adapter/prototype/prototype.js, 

[Wed Nov 04 21:14:08 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/local/graphite/webapp/content/js/extJS/adapter/prototype/scriptaculous.js, 

Is this an issue with follow symlinks? 

Options FollowSymLinks to vhost-graphite.conf

Didn't help, same files not found. Should have looked at the dir.. duh.


Now we have a pretty side bar with Graphite, My Graphs and User Graphs displayed. (I am logged in)

No graphs are visible under any of the folders (graphite, my graphs, user graphs).

copied dragdrop.js, and the *.js from scriptaculous dir to adapter dir, for good measure.
Checking webapp-error.log, no errors
Checking webapp-access.log, all 200 (ok) and 304 (not modified)
Test to see if we have graph data: 


Yup we have a graph. 

Why are there no graphs under the TREE tab (graphite, My graphs, User Graphs) ?


In ~web/local_settings.py
changed DEBUG=True
set MEMCACHE_HOSTS = [] (not using memcached atm)

service httpd restart
No change. 

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName graphite
        DocumentRoot "/usr/local/graphite//webapp"
        <Location "/">
                SetHandler python-program
                PythonPath "['/usr/local/graphite/webapp'] + sys.path"
                PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
                SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE web.settings
                PythonDebug Off
                PythonAutoReload Off
        <Location "/content">
                SetHandler None
        ErrorLog /usr/local/graphite/storage/log/webapp-error.log
        CustomLog /usr/local/graphite/storage/log/webapp-access.log common

didn't like the look of the extra "/" in DocumentRoot, changed it, added trailing /, no change, no change.
changed Docroot to /usr/local/graphite/webapp/web OOPS don't do this. restored original. 
webapp-access.log, when i click each thing under tree. - - [04/Nov/2009:21:51:02 -0600] "GET /browser/tree/?_dc=1257393068612&path=&node=GraphiteTree HTTP/1.1" 200 168 - - [04/Nov/2009:21:50:20 -0600] "GET /browser/mygraph/?_dc=1257393026538&path=&node=MyGraphsTree HTTP/1.1" 200 95 - - [04/Nov/2009:21:50:43 -0600] "GET /browser/usergraph/?_dc=1257393049720&path=&node=UserGraphsTree HTTP/1.1" 200 95

tried in IE for good measure.
no change.
Debug=True doesn't seam to have done anything. 
read https://answers.launchpad.net/graphite/+question/38028
trying to upgrade pyparsing to at least 1.5.1

tried to install pyparsing-1.5.2, failed, 
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyparsing_py3.py", line 2470
    except ParseException as err:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

installed from source, pyparsing-1.5.1
service httpd restart
no change
read: https://answers.launchpad.net/graphite/+question/38578

Saw dev using: 
freetype 2.3.5
fontconfig 2.5.0
cairo 1.6.0
pycairo 1.4.0

I'm using: 

Trying to upgrade my cairo and pycairo, they seam unusually old

Using fedora core 10 spec files: 


(serveral dependancies yum'd in)

All rpms built and installed. 
cairo now 1.8, pycairo now 1.4
No change. 

I've seen like 2 answers saying symlinks don't work. copying that shit over. 

rm -f /usr/local/graphite/webapp/content/js/extJS
cd /usr/local/graphite/webapp/content/js
cp -rP /opt/ext-2.3.0 extJS

service httpd restart
No change. 


Okay, so. Carbon seams to be working. I have graph data for the example that I can see if I 
manually enter it. I see no errors in any particular log files. 

[root@generic web]# ps aux |grep car
apache   16935  0.0  0.2   9832  2764 ?        S    19:24   0:00 python ./carbon-agent.py -u apache
apache   16936  0.0  0.3   9640  3648 ?        S    19:24   0:00 python ./carbon-cache.py 6 9
apache   16937  0.0  0.3   9456  3800 ?        S    19:24   0:00 python ./carbon-persister.py 8

Javascript Warnings: To many to list

Javascript Errors: 
Error: this.params.set is not a function

Source File: 

Line: 152 
    this.params.set(key, [value]);

If I type system in the autocompleter, I do see 3 text items (loadavg_1min 5min 15min) display below the Help. but no graphs.

@ the autocompleter tab The follow js error: 
Error: this.params.get is not a function

Source File:

Line: 117

Out of ideas, Anyone have anything else to try?

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