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[Merge] lp:~lapsu/graphite/holt-winters-fix into lp:graphite


Matthew Graham has proposed merging lp:~lapsu/graphite/holt-winters-fix into lp:graphite.

Requested reviews:
  graphite-dev (graphite-dev)

For more details, see:

fix holt winters bug of calculating with mismatched units

also make holt winters calculations much simpler and generalize
bootstrap code such that other functions could use it

when fetching the data for the bootstrap, it could get bootstrap data
with different units of time, which caused index errors and stack traces.
now it fetches the bootstrap and original data in one series so they're
all using the same units of time.
Your team graphite-dev is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~lapsu/graphite/holt-winters-fix into lp:graphite.
=== modified file 'webapp/graphite/render/functions.py'
--- webapp/graphite/render/functions.py	2011-11-22 02:10:00 +0000
+++ webapp/graphite/render/functions.py	2011-12-02 18:34:26 +0000
@@ -1139,6 +1139,24 @@
     series.name= 'secondYAxis(%s)' % series.name
   return seriesList
+def fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, path, days):
+  'Request the same data but with a bootstrap period at the beginning'
+  previousContext = requestContext.copy()
+  # go back 1 week to get a solid bootstrap
+  previousContext['startTime'] = requestContext['startTime'] - timedelta(days)
+  previousContext['endTime'] = requestContext['endTime']
+  return evaluateTarget(previousContext, path)[0]
+def trimBootstrap(bootstrap, original):
+  'Trim the bootstrap period off the front of this series so it matches the original'
+  original_len = len(original)
+  bootstrap_len = len(bootstrap)
+  length_limit = (original_len * original.step) / bootstrap.step
+  trim_start = bootstrap.end - (length_limit * bootstrap.step)
+  trimmed = TimeSeries(bootstrap.name, trim_start, bootstrap.end, bootstrap.step,
+        bootstrap[-length_limit:])
+  return trimmed
 def holtWintersIntercept(alpha,actual,last_season,last_intercept,last_slope):
   return alpha * (actual - last_season) \
           + (1 - alpha) * (last_intercept + last_slope)
@@ -1154,9 +1172,10 @@
     prediction = 0
   return gamma * math.fabs(actual - prediction) + (1 - gamma) * last_seasonal_dev
-def holtWintersAnalysis(series, bootstrap=None):
+def holtWintersAnalysis(series):
   alpha = gamma = 0.1
   beta = 0.0035
+  # season is currently one day
   season_length = (24*60*60) / series.step
   intercept = 0
   slope = 0
@@ -1171,16 +1190,12 @@
     j = i - season_length
     if j >= 0:
       return seasonals[j]
-    if bootstrap:
-      return bootstrap['seasonals'][j]
     return 0
   def getLastDeviation(i):
     j = i - season_length
     if j >= 0:
       return deviations[j]
-    if bootstrap:
-      return bootstrap['deviations'][j]
     return 0
   last_seasonal = 0
@@ -1201,15 +1216,10 @@
     if i == 0:
-      if bootstrap:
-        last_intercept = bootstrap['intercepts'][-1]
-        last_slope = bootstrap['slopes'][-1]
-        prediction = bootstrap['predictions'][-1]
-      else:
-        last_intercept = actual
-        last_slope = 0
-        # seed the first prediction as the first actual
-        prediction = actual
+      last_intercept = actual
+      last_slope = 0
+      # seed the first prediction as the first actual
+      prediction = actual
       last_intercept = intercepts[-1]
       last_slope = slopes[-1]
@@ -1254,55 +1264,22 @@
   return results
-def holtWintersFetchBootstrap(requestContext, seriesPath):
-  previousContext = requestContext.copy()
-  # go back 1 week to get a solid bootstrap
-  previousContext['startTime'] = requestContext['startTime'] - timedelta(7)
-  previousContext['endTime'] = requestContext['startTime']
-  bootstrapPath = "holtWintersBootstrap(%s)" % seriesPath
-  previousResults = evaluateTarget(previousContext, bootstrapPath)
-  return {'predictions': previousResults[0]
-        , 'deviations': previousResults[1]
-        , 'intercepts': previousResults[2]
-        , 'slopes': previousResults[3]
-        , 'seasonals': previousResults[4]
-        }
-def holtWintersBootstrap(requestContext, seriesList):
-  results = []
-  for series in seriesList:
-    bootstrap = holtWintersAnalysis(series)
-    interceptSeries = TimeSeries('intercepts', series.start, series.end
-            , series.step, bootstrap['intercepts'])
-    slopeSeries = TimeSeries('slopes', series.start, series.end
-            , series.step, bootstrap['slopes'])
-    seasonalSeries = TimeSeries('seasonals', series.start, series.end
-            , series.step, bootstrap['seasonals'])
-    results.append(bootstrap['predictions'])
-    results.append(bootstrap['deviations'])
-    results.append(interceptSeries)
-    results.append(slopeSeries)
-    results.append(seasonalSeries)
-  return results
 def holtWintersForecast(requestContext, seriesList):
   results = []
   for series in seriesList:
-    bootstrap = holtWintersFetchBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression)
-    analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(series, bootstrap)
-    results.append(analysis['predictions'])
-    #results.append(analysis['deviations'])
+    withBootstrap = fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression, 7)
+    analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(withBootstrap)
+    results.append(trimBootstrap(analysis['predictions'], series))
   return results
 def holtWintersConfidenceBands(requestContext, seriesList):
   results = []
   for series in seriesList:
-    bootstrap = holtWintersFetchBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression)
-    analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(series, bootstrap)
-    forecast = analysis['predictions']
-    deviation = analysis['deviations']
-    seriesLength = len(series)
+    bootstrap = fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression, 7)
+    analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(bootstrap)
+    forecast = trimBootstrap(analysis['predictions'], series)
+    deviation = trimBootstrap(analysis['deviations'], series)
+    seriesLength = len(forecast)
     i = 0
     upperBand = list()
     lowerBand = list()
@@ -1319,10 +1296,10 @@
         lowerBand.append(forecast_item - scaled_deviation)
     upperName = "holtWintersConfidenceUpper(%s)" % series.name
     lowerName = "holtWintersConfidenceLower(%s)" % series.name
-    upperSeries = TimeSeries(upperName, series.start, series.end
-            , series.step, upperBand)
-    lowerSeries = TimeSeries(lowerName, series.start, series.end
-            , series.step, lowerBand)
+    upperSeries = TimeSeries(upperName, forecast.start, forecast.end
+            , forecast.step, upperBand)
+    lowerSeries = TimeSeries(lowerName, forecast.start, forecast.end
+            , forecast.step, lowerBand)
   return results
@@ -1331,11 +1308,15 @@
   results = []
   for series in seriesList:
     confidenceBands = holtWintersConfidenceBands(requestContext, [series])
+    bootstrapped = fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression, 7)
+    series = trimBootstrap(bootstrapped, series)
     upperBand = confidenceBands[0]
     lowerBand = confidenceBands[1]
     aberration = list()
     for i, actual in enumerate(series):
-      if series[i] > upperBand[i]:
+      if series[i] is None:
+        aberration.append(0)
+      elif series[i] > upperBand[i]:
         aberration.append(series[i] - upperBand[i])
       elif series[i] < lowerBand[i]:
         aberration.append(series[i] - lowerBand[i])
@@ -1887,7 +1868,6 @@
   # Calculate functions
   'movingAverage' : movingAverage,
   'stdev' : stdev,
-  'holtWintersBootstrap': holtWintersBootstrap,
   'holtWintersForecast': holtWintersForecast,
   'holtWintersConfidenceBands': holtWintersConfidenceBands,
   'holtWintersAberration': holtWintersAberration,

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