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Re: [Question #219186]: Wrong metrics being sent or collected?


I'm getting funny metrics collected in my graphite setup. collectl is sending graphite metrics to a carbon-relay-ng daemon that sends them on to the graphite server.

However, I am getting metrics that are mushed together...like if the server name is "c01-01" I'll get metrics for a server called inodec0-01 or cc01-01. or c01c01...all kinds of variations.

Obviously this could be because of collectl or carbon-relay-ng, but I'm wondering where a good place to start looking is. Any thoughts on that?

I'd start by picking a test host to tweak collectl on, insert
some debugging prints/echos/printfs showing the metric name
just before sending.

Alternatively, fire up tcpdump or wireshark/tshark on the test
host with the right options to show the packet data in ASCII and
wait for collectl to send something.

Follow ups
