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Re: chromium-inspired ui mockup



  I really like this mock-up. Only a couple things…

On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 00:23 -0800, invernizzi.l@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>  - give more importance to the quick-add bar: it is now the main way to
>    add a task from the browser. A search-as-you-type feature would be cool

  This will need to be weighed against the idea of having some sort of
separation (DBus) between backends/UI. Although, if Chromium can suggest
search results as you type over the Internet, it should be possible to
do locally. But it may not be straightforward, it may take a lot of

>  - remove the text from the dismiss/delete/complete buttons. Reasons:
>      - It creates problem with some translations (the german have
> surprisingly long words)
>      - a very good icon shouldn't need a text to explain it -- the icons
>         in the mockup should be thumbs-up-hand/thumbs-down-hand/red-cross, and
>         are just an example.

  There are GNOME settings for "Show Icons Only" / "Show Text Beside
Icons" etc. — should GTG respect these to some extent? I am not sure. I
have seen some apps (can't remember which…) that *always* display text
for some less obvious buttons, and for other ones respect the user

Paul Natsuo Kishimoto
SM candidate, Technology & Policy Program (2012)
Research assistant,  http://globalchange.mit.edu
http://paul.kishimoto.name          +16173026105

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