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Re: GTG-Redesign (Another Update)


2012/4/22 Ricardo Graça <ricardo@xxxxxxxxxx>

>  What about the task editor taking the place of the task list instead of
> moving to another completely different window? That may confumse some
> people as to what happened to their "initial screen". Or better yet, how
> about the task "box" on the task list expands to reveal the details and the
> extra controls. This way the user has a better sense of what's going on and
> where he is on the workflow and it makes way for a place to insert a nice
> fancy animation :)

I do agree with task editor just inside main window. This may avoid some
bugs such as memory leak of task editor and other bugs related to more than
one task editor dialog.

Best Wishes!

Yours Sincerely,
扈煊 Hu Xuan
E-mail / MSN / Gtalk:i(at)huxuan.org

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