Hi GTG Contributors,
In rewriting the task editor in GTK3, I have run into a problem where if
I import anything that deals with pyGtk, it causes Segmentation Faults
with the task editor because "PyGtkGenericCellRenderer is smaller than
the parent type's GtkCellRenderer' class size". I was wondering if
liblarch is heavy in pyGtk because trying to import Task is causing the
EditorView to crash, and I need to start working with the tasks to get
the rest of the editor up and running. This could cause a big problem
because as you all probably know, Task is a subclass of Liblarch's
TreeNode class. If anyone has ideas or suggestions on how this could be
worked around (I am going to try to write an interface for Task and hope
that by eliminating direct use of the task class we can get around it).
If you would like to try my code to better understand what I'm talking
about or to see for yourself download my branch with bzr branch
lp:~nmu-sscheel/gtg/SoC2012. Just go into the file
GTG/gtk/editor/editorview.py and uncomment the line importing Task and
then run it via python editorview.py.
Steve Scheel