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Hello, and well, confused about backup


What i have read in Getting Things done Genome [GTG] help and here,
indicates the backup is a xml file.
However, my searches for ".gtg" and "gtg" from "/" on my Ubuntu 18.04
system have failed.
The main reason I wanted to move from "To Do" to "GTG" was GTG mentioned
backups in its description.
The FAQ has a link for doing backups, but that server or page does not
function right now.
I read the archive entry for Crash after backup which is where I got the
idea that a folder titled ".gtg" should exist perhaps in /bin, but if it is
there it is hiding very well.
Due to a Traumatic brain injury, I have to organize externally, which means
unfortunately big lists, and discomfort about losing what is in them.

If any one can clarify how to find the backup file and safely back it up to
an external drive, I would be most grateful.
Thanks from a Linux and Ubuntu newbie.

  [image: 🤓]
L. P. Luigi Espenlaub.
"Kuiper Belted" [A Non fantasy science fiction mystery set 150 years in the
"A stone cold mystery in space." - Woody Carsky-Wilson, ED: A Few Good
Words, a Cincinnati Writers Project Anthology available on Amazon.