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[Bug 670192] Re: Specify engines to be treated as transactional


My base test seems to be having oddly. Holland is using single-
transaction even though I specified auto-detect as the lock-method:

root@mcp:/etc/holland/backupsets# cat transtest.conf 
plugin = mysqldump
backups-to-keep = 5
estimated-size-factor = 1.0

lock-method         = auto-detect
#transactional-databases-override = "test"
#transactional-tables-override = "t1"
databases           = "test"
tables              = "*"
dump-routines       = no
dump-events         = no
stop-slave          = no
bin-log-position    = no
flush-logs          = no
file-per-database   = no
additional-options  = ""

method              = gzip
inline              = yes
level               = 1


root@mcp:/etc/holland/backupsets# holland bk transtest
[INFO] Backup: transtest
[INFO] + Found plugin mysqldump
[INFO] + Locked spool /var/spool/holland/transtest/.holland
[INFO] + Initialized backup directory /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_
[INFO] + Running setup-backup hooks
[INFO] + Configured plugin
[INFO]  + Connected to MySQL
[INFO] Connected to localhost via unix socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock as root@localhost
[INFO]  + Evaluating schema
[INFO] + Ran plugin pre
[INFO] + Running before-backup hooks
[INFO] + Estimating backup size
[INFO] Estimating backup size
[INFO] ----------------------
[INFO]  * Using plugin estimate 2.08KB
[INFO] + Plugin estimated backup size of 2.08KB
[INFO] + Adjusted estimated size by 100.00% to 2.08KB
[INFO] + Spool directory /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_ has 1.87GB available
[INFO] + Saved config to /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_/backup.conf
[INFO] Running backup
[INFO] mysqldump backup
[INFO] ----------------
[INFO] :databases: djsweetums(excluded),harttest(excluded),mcp(excluded),moocowproductions(excluded),music(excluded),musicbiz(excluded),mysql(excluded),q2solutions(excluded),test
[INFO] + mkdir /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_/backup_data
[INFO] + mkconfig /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_/holland.my.cnf
[INFO] + exclusions >> /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_/holland.my.cnf
[INFO] - Adding mysqldump options
[INFO] + --flush-privileges
[INFO] + --max-allowed-packet=128M
[INFO] mysqldump(test[28993])::
[INFO]  /usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_/holland.my.cnf --flush-privileges --max-allowed-packet=128M --single-transaction test
[INFO] * mysqldump(test[28993]) complete
[INFO] + Running after-backup hooks
[INFO] Backup job transtest completed in 0.06 seconds
[INFO] + Final backup size 9.70KB
[INFO] + 466.42% of estimated size 2.08KB 
[INFO] + Suggested estimated-size-factor = 4.66
[INFO] + Saved config to /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_/backup.conf
[INFO] + Keep 5 backups
[INFO] + Purged old backup /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_213700.ZZbVRY
[INFO] + Kept backup /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_213715.HYdNmb
[INFO] + Kept backup /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_213737.7uAKHk
[INFO] + Kept backup /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_213746.rBnOTS
[INFO] + Kept backup /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_213808.oCsmPo
[INFO] + Kept backup /var/spool/holland/transtest/20110421_214001.PyeNd_

The test table is MyiSAM:

root@mcp:/etc/holland/backupsets# mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 12158
Server version: 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10-log (Ubuntu)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

mysql> use test;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show create table t1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: t1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
  `num1` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `string` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `num1` (`num1`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I checked my provider config and it has auto-detect as a default. Holland was upgraded from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 and then to 1.1 so I dunno if that has something to do with it?

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Holland
Build, which is subscribed to holland-backup.

  Specify engines to be treated as transactional

Status in Holland Backup Framework:
  In Progress

Bug description:
  It would be useful to have a configuration option to specify which
  engines are to be considered transactional when determining whether or
  not to use --single-transaction in mysqldump providers. An example
  would be a schema that has 5 InnoDB tables and one HEAP table being
  downgraded to using --lock-tables.
