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Multiple xtrabackup processes


Hi all,

I'm trying to set up two xtrabackup processes, one for each of two MySQL
instances running via mysqld_multi. I can get it working for one instance
(xtrabackup.conf files in backupsets and providers directories, and the
connection info in the conf file in providers of "additional-options =
--defaults-group=mysqld1" and user/pw/socket in [mysql:client]).

However, I can't seem to get two xtrabackups set up. I couldn't seem to
move connection info to the backupsets conf, so I created
xtrabackup3306.conf and ...3307.conf in both directories, the providers
confs pointing to the right servers, the backupsets confs having:

plugin = xtrabackup3307

The online docs say you put the provider name for plugin, so I did that.
When I try to run them, though, I get this error message:

Backup failed: 'holland.backup.xtrabackup3306' not found

What am I doing wrong?


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