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new package - Python 3.5 (python35u)


The IUS CoreDev team has created EL6 and EL7 packages for Python 3.5 [1].  These are based on Fedora's python3 [2] and EPEL's python34 [3] packages.

Our previous Python 3 packages were parallel installable with stock Python, but not with each other.  They are also parallel installable with our python27 package.  We consider this behavior to be inconsistent.  We have taken steps to make python35u parallel installable with any IUS Python package.  The main difference for end users is that the command `python3` won't work; you must explicitly call `python3.5`.  More details can be found in the request thread [4].

These packages are available in our testing repositories.  If you are interested, please try them out and provide feedback on GitHub [4].

[1]: https://github.com/iuscommunity-pkg/python35u
[2]: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/python3.git/
[3]: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/python34.git/
[4]: https://github.com/iuscommunity/wishlist/issues/17

Carl George
IUS CoreDev Team