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Add component made simple suggestion.


Hi all !

I'm new to KICAD and the first thing I've noticed was the number of 
clicks (3 to be specific) needed to repetedly place a type of 
component (or I just have to learn some more about ). 
I think that it would be easier if the process of placing parts would 
be like this :
- Select "add components"
- Select the component (eg. R)
- Place the component and at the same time a small window appears to 
write the value eg. [R1 - 10k]
- At the next click another R will be placed with [R2 - 10k] in the 
small window (the value field being editable ofcourse) and so on 
until we get tired of R's and we want to place some C's or something 
so we press ESC or right-click to "Select Component".

This method brings the necessary clicks down to almost one plus the 
number of the placed part is automatically set and we can set the 
part's value on the go.

Any hope ? I know it's gone take some work and variables but ...

Kind regards!

P.S. Thank you for this very nice and free package !

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