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Re: Guides for dialogs creation.



I agree with you partially. We should definitely use sizers, without exception. There is no reason to not use them, ever.
Yes to sizers!

But on the resizeable aspect of Dialogs, I prefer that also. I want to resize my dialogs, so lets not change that. These sizers are one subject, resizeable dialogs is another.
I thought my position on resizeable dialogs should be clear from my 
earlier time investments and source code commits.


The problems of KiCad dialogs is the
1. Fixed positions and dimensions of elements. When I try to
translate interface to russian, then some parts of text become not visible.
2. Strange placement of buttons in some dialogs.
3. Some dialogs don't have default buttons.

Dear writers of dialogs, please, look at

How to use "Sizer" in wxWidgets.


About dialogs:

Buttons usage:

Human interface guidelines:

In some commits I saw the ugly attempts to avoid the problems with
strings length by usage of resizeable window of dialogs.
But, if "Sizer" will be used, then resizeable attribute does not
required for window.
