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Re: New Feature Request


Hello All,

Is this the correct method for requesting new features...?

Generally no. Some of what you are asking for is already in the software. Until you get a clear understanding of what is there and not, then please ask about cross probling on the user's maillist. Hopefully you will get help there.

Then, after your understanding is clarified, and you understand the difference between what you are asking for and what is already present, goto the wiki


and find the URL for the "feature request" link to the tracker at sourceforge.

Please break your issues down into separate feature enhancement requests, and place them there. Maybe somebody with the same need will eventually code it.

Maybe not. :) Selling the feature will help, being clear will help :) Frankly not everything that I read below is not clear, so you will have to do better for it to get traction.

Again, start on the user's list to refine the feature enhancements, they can help you possibly embellish the ideas along with you. You might start by saying "I am thinking about posting the following feature enhancement request...." what does everyone think about this?

Dick Hollenbeck
SoftPLC Corporation

If so, can a feature be added to allow cross probing between the schematic and pwb...
Example would be:

Highlighting net(s) in PWB would simultaneously find (goto) and highlight net(s) in the schematic...

Highlighting footprint(s) in PWB would simultaneously find (goto) and highlight symbol(s) on the schematic...

Another feature would be:

Place footprints on PWB by highlighting by hierarchy block, sheet(s), or symbol(s) on schematic...

Users could highlight or select symbol(s) on the schematic and simultaneously have them grouped and ready to be placed on the PWB... This would save time and enhance functional component placements when manually placing components on a design...


