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Re: Re: eeschema: how to handle component references


Timothy Hanson a écrit :

Hi Jean-Pierre & Dick & everybody else,

I have completed my modifications to allow multiple instances of one
sheet in a schematic hierarchy.
In the implementation I store a hash which converts path to reference
number. Path is composed via the unique ID / timestamp represented as
8 hex chars -- e.g. here is the segment of a file for one capacitor:

L R R?
U 1 1 478AD1B6
P 5650 3400
AR Path="/478AD1B6" Ref="R?"
AR Path="/478C2053/ 478AD1B6" Ref="R2"
AR Path="/478C2408/ 478AD1B6" Ref="R4"
F 0 "R2" H 5750 3450 60 0000 C C
F 1 "R" V 5650 3400 50 0000 C C
F 2 "SM0603" H 5650 3200 60 0000 C C
1 5650 3400
1 0 0 -1

where AR stands for Alternate Reference. There are three alternate
references, R? for when i first created the file, R2 for when the
component is a instantiated via sheet with a timestamp of 478C2053 and
R4 when instantiated via sheet 478C2408.
The text part of F 0 or m_Field[REFERENCE] is updated when a sheet is
loaded or selected in the hierarchy; it is necessary to keep that
around be the field specifies where the text is to be drawn. BOM and
netlisting, of course, works (though it took a bit of work to make it

DrawSheetStruct is the basis for the hierarchy, as opposed to
SCH_SCREEN -- see http://m8ta. com/images/ 537_2.png <http://m8ta.com/images/537_2.png> (I made this as I
was trying to figure out how to change eeschema, it's not the clearest
of diagrams). This required quite a few changes, including making
GetScreen() virtual. It has to be virtual because sometimes the
m_Parent pointer was a WinEDA_SchematicFra me and sometimes it was a
WinEDA_DrawFrame, and in WinEDA_SchematicFra me GetScreen() does *not*
return m_CurrentScreen -- it returns m_CurrentSheet- >m_Screen. This
means that all the classes that inherit this method are also virtual
and have the same return type of BASE_SCREEN* -- I've changed this in
pcbnew as well.

Anyway, that's done, and though I have merged the changes, I've not
checked anything in. Still need to figure out how to arrange
interaction with PCBnew, which expects timestamps / unique identifiers
based upon 32-bit integers. As I explained in an earlier email,
forming a unique ID out of the path is easier to implement and
understand than a linked-list of associations. PCB new does not
expect netlist like this, though:

( /478FB04E SM0805 R5 R {Lib=R}
( 1 in_3 )
( 2 out_2 )
( /478FB047 SM0805 R6 R {Lib=R}
( 1 out_3 )
( 2 in_2 )
( /478C2408/478AD1B6 SM0603 R4 R {Lib=R}
( 1 out_2 )
( 2 GND )
( /478C2408/478AD1B2 SM0603 R3 R {Lib=R}
( 1 VCC )
( 2 out_2 )

It loads it fine, though.

There are two options here: add another unique ID to the hash so you
have something like (in the schematic file):
AR Path="/478C2053/ 478AD1B6" Ref="R2" PCBTimeStamp= "45607AAF"

or extend PCBNEW to handle the full paths when cross-probing and
updating based on timestamp not ref (which I never have used... has
anybody?) I prefer the second of these two solutions, because the
first is 'uglier', is less elegant, causes more end-cases due to
redundant information, need to maintain two concurrent unique
identifier lists, cases where the user modifies the reference etc..

Another issue -- global labels seem to be used exclusively for
embedding a sheet in a hierarchy. It seems likely that people will
need both sheet-local labels (served by the wire labels) as well
sheet-independent labels that are truly 'global'. Does it make sense
to make glabel follow it's name (and be a global label), and make a
new button for adding sheet input-output ports?

Therefore, I'm asking you (all)'s advice on the two questions:
(1) which is best: store extra timestamps, modify PCBnew to use paths,
or don't bother & use references for updating pcbnew when the
schematic changes.

From my point of view, the best solution is a pcbnew change to use
path by adding a StringTimeStamp storage in pcbnew (and cvpcb) for modules (footprints) timestamp identifer is sometimes used in pcbnew as link between items (ex: zone outline and zone fill segments), so a new .m_StringTimeStamp (or better: .m_Alternate Reference) for modules is preferable. Currently, for modules, this timestamp identifier is used ** only ** when footprints (after a netlist change) cannot be identified by reference.
It happens only when the schematic was fully reannotated.
So, it does not happen every day, and currently don't bother about pcbnew.

(2) do we need a new class for sheet i/o

glabel is a bad name. the so called global label is in fact the class sheet i/o (could be named sheet_port, or hierarchical_pin or something like this).
rename it is a good idea.

The question is:
do we need a new class like global_schematic_connector or something like. (power pins act already as global connectors.).
Why not !
Basically, it is a label whose the label text is not extended by the sheet number when creating the netlist.

I'm on the gEDA developer list, too, and they do not have this
feature; rather than updating the references based in instantiation,
they put the path in the netlist. We are, kinda, competing with
them.. two free software products still competing! -- this would put
us 'ahead' :) (In addition to all the work done on pcbnew.. and the
fact we use c++ not vanilla c)

thanks & sorry about the long email,

ps. Dick: I had some look at the visitor design pattern -- it looks
cool and i wanted to try to solve the GetScreen() issue without
resorting to a 'virtual BASE_SCREEN* ' (as this requires typcasting to
any of the derived classes), but, I couldn't come up with any better
solutions. :(


Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

Maître de conférences
Directeur d'études 2ieme année.
Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle 2
Institut Universitaire de Technologie 1 de Grenoble
BP 67, 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex

Recherche :
46, Avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble cedex
