In the Freerouter it is possible to define the trace connection point
of an oval pad wherever you like. (Of course it should remain inside
the shape of the pad.)
The dsn-file syntax for an oval pad is like this:
(padstack "Oval"
(shape (path signal w x1 y1 x2 y2))
which describes the shape of the oval pad as a line from (x1, y1) to
(x2, y2) with pen width w.
The trace connection point of the pad will always be at the point (0, 0).
For example:
(padstack "Oval1"
(shape (path signal 10 -5 0 5 0))
describes the shape of the pad Oval1 as a line from (-5, 0) to (5, 0)
with pen with 10. The trace connection point will be in the centre of
the pad line.
(padstack "Oval2"
(shape (path signal 10 0 0 10 0))
describes the shape of the pad Oval2 as a line from (0, 0) to (10, 0)
with pen with 10. The trace connection point will be in the first
corner of the pad line.