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Re: Dialog layout updates.



I took a look at your pictures. I think that this would be a good idea. However, EESchema currently only supports annotation from right to left, top to bottom (annotate-right-down.png). Changing the annotated dialog box would only be part of the solution. I would have to write the code for the other three sort orders and validate it. I think it would be better to spend my time clean up the existing code and dialogs before added new features. I will add this to my to do list. Thanks for the input.

Igor Plyatov wrote:
Hello Wayne!

I wanted to get some feedback from the Kicad developers about giving
the dialog layouts some much needed updates.
Please, add the drop down list "Position ordering type" to the 
"Annotate" dialog.
When user select some type of ordering, then appropriate picture can be 
shown in dialog.
I make an attach with some pictures (if you like it) which you can use 
for the "Annotate" dialog.

I also want to create a developer preferred practices guideline
similar to the Linux kernel CodingStyle document.
I will sent this to Jean-Pierre and some of the major
contributors for input before adding it to SVN when I have completed it.

I think better to use wiki at kicad.sourceforge.net for this purpose.

One last item. I personally am not the biggest fan of CMake.
I think it is bad idea to have and support more than one build system.
If such a big project as KDE was happy with CMake, then it will be enough for our purposes.
Better to polish one build system, then make many dirty...

For me it is very interesting is old makefiles are used by somebody for building?
Igor Plyatov

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