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Flat mult-page OrCad export, import EEschema


Flat multi-Page - another opportunity for future enhancement

I took a stab at converting a flat multi-page OrCad EDIF export 
and the latest checked in Edif2Kicad svn files will produce multi-page
(.sch) outputs. However I'm not sure this is that helpful since KiCad 
doesn't support a flat multi-page schematic. KiCad has this one page,
one sheet per project mentality....Even to view each page the POWER.sch
file seems to need a corresponding POWER.pro file:
cp POWER.pro CPU.pro
cp POWER.pro PC_45_104.pro 
cp POWER.pro USB.pro
then you would still have separate netlists for each page.

I played with trying to create a root page, hierarchical
schematic but when I tried to rename the an inserted sheet
symbol to one of the sch files EEschema died. But then creating a
hierarchical schematic would require adding ports to each sheet
symbol and wiring up the top level schematic. 

Also here it would be nice, in the schematic, a button to push new
global pins up to the sheet symbol putting inputs on the left and
output/inout on the right. Actually pushing global up or down make
sense...I miss the ole SpeedChart tool for hierarchical schematic 
HDL capture, more productive than OrCad, Summit or hand editing HDL
netlists...Verilog/VHDL/spice - yet another standard for describing 


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