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Re: Infinite look taking 100% cpu when building debug mode.



El Viernes, 18 de Abril de 2008, Dick Hollenbeck escribió:
> > I'd appreciate some clarification.
> Yes, ditto. You have not said anything about wxWidgets version or
> operating system.

I'm very sorry about this, you are right. I wrote the e-mail too fast. I'm 
running Debian lenny with linux- I built kicad using wxWidgets maybe a little old. gtk 2.12.9 and glib 2.16.3.

> I don't believe this is happening here for me, at least it is not
> noticable. I use Ubuntu Gutsy with wxWidgets 2.8.4 and I run the debug
> build about 50% of the time.

Provided this, I'll try building against a newer wxwidgets, most 
probably. I'll see what it happens.
> In your case, the stack trace is not necessarily telling you where the
> execution is when the cpu is hogging idle time. But given the stack
> trace, it looks like it is clearly in wxWidgets. That would make sense
> because that is where the event dispatcher is.

Not really the backtrace, but once I stop program execution and start 
issuing finish to go through the stack frames, it loops on the one I 
mentioned: IA__g_main_loop_run , hence I wasn't sure where to start looking 

> Why don't you ask on one of the wxWidgets mailing lists about this and
> then get back to us with your findings.
Now you suggest this I'll try harder and focus on wxwidgets. Thanks for the 
good advices.


Raúl Sánchez Siles
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