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Re: Something wrong in .dsn export


Remy wrote:
It seems there's a little bug when I export my design to freerouting.
I put screenshots in the files area, Kicadder's directory.
(This is NOT a top priority project :-))



I recently added support to show the end points of any edges pcb segment. This happens when you select the edges pcb layer and then click on the segment using the normal arrow tool.

Down in the status area you should see the two endpoints, including endpoints for arcs or line segments.

I suggest that you verify that the two quarter arcs in the upper right part of your board share a common point of intersection. This intersection must be *exactly* the same.

You can do this by jotting down on paper the two endpoints of the first 1/4 arc (the one going from North to East) and then do the same for the second one (the one going from North to West). Probably the point at the North is not common, and needs to be exactly the same for the export to work properly. If this is not the case, then there is likely a lack of common point on the missing arc's West end, it must be *exactly* the same as the Eastern most point of the arc to the missing arc's West.

I'm pretty sure there is no bug here. I may be out the next few days, so if there is more to this, and I don't respond, please be patient.


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