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Re: Cross-Compiling under Linux for Windows



2008/9/5 Manveru <manveru@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> 2008/9/5 Mateusz Skowroński <skowri@xxxxxxxxx>:

>> 13. Edit the MinGWResourceCompiler.cmake in the CMakeModules
>> directory. Change the windres.exe command to i586-mingw32msvc-windres
> This step is broken in KiCad's CMAKE files at all. There is a script
> in CMake which is looking for RC compiler, but it is currently broken
> and cannot find windres.exe. There is a patch in their bug repository
> (http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=7235) which helps with
> that. I promised myself that I will publish patch for KiCad's CMAKE
> files, but currently I do not trust my own changes - it compiles under
> Windows but I do not know is it stable under Linux.

Well. I've written the MinGWResourceCompiler.cmake script because of
http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=4068 ...


AKA f3nix AKA metyl AKA skowri ;)

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