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Re: Crash in PCBNEW using zone fill on OSX


Looking to the stacktrace IMHO problem should be platform independent (other developers could correct me if i'm wrong), anyway i weren't able to reproduce it .

Could you give us something to reproduce this bug ?


DL_Iter<void*>::Detach() + 57
Node::RemoveLink(KBoolLink*) + 107
KBoolLink::UnLink() + 37
KBoolLink::~KBoolLink() + 17
TDLI<KBoolLink>::delete_all() + 75
Graph::~Graph() + 39
TDLI<Graph>::delete_all() + 75
GraphList::~GraphList() + 36
Bool_Engine::~Bool_Engine() + 123
ZONE_CONTAINER::AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList(BOARD*) + 5551
ZONE_CONTAINER::BuildFilledPolysListData(BOARD*) + 408

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