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Re: Vias in Pcbnew


Isaac a écrit :

Greetings to All,

I'm new to the group, so I ask forgiveness to my ignorance, but...

Why aren't the vias in Pcbnew drawn WYSIWYG on the screen if it is so easy to do so?

Vias must be easy to locate, so they must differ from pads.
This is important for hight density boards.
These boards can use also microvias, and blind and buried vias. One *must* see easily these different vias, that can overlap, and tracks usually overlap.
For 6 copper layers (and more) boards, this is not an easy task.
So i do not understand the meaning of WYSIWYG for superimposed buried vias (incuding microvias)
Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
Maître de conférences
Directeur d'études 2ieme année.
Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle 2
Institut Universitaire de Technologie 1 de Grenoble
BP 67, 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex

Recherche :
Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA - INPG)
Grenoble France

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