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Re: New file uploaded to kicad-devel


--- In kicad-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Lorenzo" <lomarcan@...> wrote:
> --- In kicad-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kicad-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > File : /pompa.tar.gz 
> > Uploaded by : lomarcan77 <lomarcan@> 
> > Description : Test case for wrong netlist generation. Can also be published as an example for strictly non-commercial usage 
> OK this is my test case. As an example is not to be took to seriously altought it is of production quality:P it is meant to be a throw-away proof-of-concept board. The 'strange' component choice (and the mix of THT and SMD one) is because it's designed to be built with the component I have at handin the workshop at work I.E. a >10A mosfet is NOT the usual choice drivinga 3-4A load:D:D
> Since it is a throwaway if you want you use it as a sample somewhere, just add attribution and a non-commercial notice. Oh well, you would have to write the firmware to make it work, anyway...
> If someone is interested I could open source my symbols and module library (but they're optimized for the ISO font, I don't know how they look with the standard one).
> A little trick I used: there are TWO ground references here (in industrial work even 3 or 4 are not so rare... just think about insulated interfaces). Since they are connected anyway i devised the funny symbol you can see in the upper left. The two nets can be then routed correctly and the symbol is a 'virtual' module with a 'graphic' line on the copper plane to give theconnection AND pass ERC. This way you could also pass a power ground traceinside a signal ground zone fill keeping them separate. It isn't done herebut in another job I did so. And it works great (having a 30A load and a thermocouple amplifier on the same board has 'some' ground issues :D)
> Now, back to the problem at hand: as you can see in the 'good' netlist an 'old' version of eeschema correctly generate the netlist. At least I hopeit's correct since the board is in fab:P
> Current kicad (updated yesterday) gives the 'bad' netlist. For example itlist D2 as unconnected. Other components are wrong as well.
> Also, unrelated, in the module editor trying to enter the attribute editor often segfaults eeschema :(

Subversion R2005 extracts a good netlist (at least D2 is connected). Will svn update and try again.


Follow ups
