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MacOSX: Support for native directories.


Under OSX users aren't able to use normal unix paths /usr etc etc and put files there require root account that usually is disabled.
This patch add the possibility to add libraries and modules where user expects them.

Index: common/edaappl.cpp
--- common/edaappl.cpp	(revision 2224)
+++ common/edaappl.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -499,6 +499,9 @@
* figure out a way to implement this without #ifdef, please do. */
#ifdef __WXMSW__
tmp.AddEnvList( wxT( "PROGRAMFILES" ) );
+#elsif __WXMAC__
+ m_searchPaths.Add( wxT("/Library/Application Support/kicad") );
+ m_searchPaths.Add( wxString(wxGetenv(wxT("HOME"))) + wxT("/Library/Application Support/kicad") );
tmp.AddEnvList( wxT( "PATH" ) );