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New file formats


I have attached the XLR (Ultra Librarian <http://www.accelerated-designs.com/%28S%28ofph1tm0f2zuq03h0th5ajfc%29%29/Links.aspx>) text and html document
published by Frank Frank and a copy of a parser I have started.
I believe owners of the Ultra Librarian can produce this ASCII format
for their designs.  A couple of IC vendors (National and MicroChip)
provide binary format footprints which can be imported into Ultra Librarian.

I was considering adding productions to this parser for outputing Kicad
format as part of a translation utility.
(Unix guys use yacc(bison)/lex(flex) for parsers)

 Look this over for ideas as a human readable, ASCII, parseable, usable
inuse for Footprints (and symbols) format.

for unix:
>mkdir test
>cd test
>sh xlr.sh
>x2lib XLR_Format.txt


Attachment: xlr.sh
Description: Bourne shell script