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On 07/27/2010 02:31 PM, jean-pierre charras wrote: > My last commit includes a new boost library: boost::polygon > see: > google "boost polygon", > ""; > ""; > I believe this is a *very* interesting library, and this is exactly what is needed for kicad. > So I wrote "zones_convert_brd_items_to_polygons_with_Boost.cpp" to test it (It was a lot of work) > I need volunteers to test zone filling algorithm using boost::polygon, > verify if issues are found, and send me results of tests. > Mainly errors when creating solid areas. > FYI, I know 2 boards with errors using Kbool (but Kbool is still the best polygon library for Kicad). > (calculation time, due to less redundancy due to code refactory is 50% the time needed with Kbool library) > Note in fact 80% calculation time is thermal shape tweaking by removing unconnected stubs. > (I am not sure it is very useful) > > To compile with boost::polygon, run cmake with option -DUSE_BOOST_POLYGON_LIBRARY=ON > (see changelog). > Jean-Pierre: I found the boost library to require only 40% of the time of kbool to refill several zones on a fairly complicated board. Even on a *very* fast computer this board takes 11 seconds to refill all zones using kbool. Using boost::polygon it takes only 4 seconds. However, I see some angular rectable artifacts at the junction of two zones: /|| \|| The above pattern shows what the errant holes look like near the junction of two zones. See the two attached *.png files for a comparison of kbool's work with boost::polygon on this particular layer. This is a power layer. I have not checked any other layers yet. The boost library looks promising if you can get it to do the job. I assume switching to it would mean being able to fully remove the kbool libary, although I understand some data structures might need to be abandoned also in order to stop including all kbool headers. Dick
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