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Re: Sweet parser


On 03/21/2011 12:58 PM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
> 1))))))))))))))
> Wayne,
> Any problems changing:
> (visible YES)
> to
> [visible]
> Reasoning:
> I am looking for conciseness.  This means having defaults do the right
> thing, most of the time, so that they can be omitted from the expression.
> My thinking for properties, is that most are not visible (this is debatable).
> This proposed is more concise, and defaults to non visible in the absence of
> 'visible'.

Unfortunately, the normal case for pins is that they are visible (a normal
case which is reversed from properties, where the normal case is hidden). 
So I may have talked myself out of this.

One consistent way forward may be to stick with (visible yes|no) as
originally planned.


> 2)))))))))))))))))
> Jean-Pierre or anyone else,
> Anyone have and second thoughts on the need to continue with both a pin name
> AND a pin number, going forward?   I cannot remember why we need both.
> Thanks,
> Dick
