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part pinouts in symbols and schematics


Hello everyone

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I think it is important. I am doing a design with an LM339, the numbering of the pins on the schematic symbol are wrong. Now I am trying to change them (and admit I'm no expert in KiCAD) but they keep reverting back to what they were. How can I use this program is pinouts are wrong and i can't correct them ???

I have commented before that many PCB footprints do not follow the standard and mismatch with the schematic symbol, Do I have to completely redo my own libraries from scratch ? As i have said before i use KiCAD on more than one computer and have issues with parts taking on new pinouts based on the library of whatever installation i am using even if i have manually corrected them for that project.

I have to say that at this point I am having serious concerns as to the usability of KiCAD unless i have misunderstood how things work, if i pick an LM339 from the library i assume it's pinout to be correct - should i not ? how many other parts have "creative" pinouts ?

While it is great to see an active development of KiCAD I question whether it will ever be a serious program if we cannot get the basics settled on part pinouts. i will try and learn how to create my own symbol libraries so that I can work independently of the KiCAD libraries and not have to correct things over and over or not be able to correct them at all !


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