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Re: eeschema fields moved in version 3230


On 01/05/2012 05:05 PM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
> On 01/05/2012 02:22 PM, jean-pierre charras wrote:
>> Le 05/01/2012 20:52, Dick Hollenbeck a écrit :
>>> Jean-Pierre,
>>> All my EESCHEMA part "texts fields" were moved when using revision 3230 and later, on
>>> screen.  These text fields are now shifted up in most cases.  I can send jpegs if you are
>>> not familiar with the problem.
>>> On one schematic, which consists of 17 sheets, it seems like a lot of work to "fix" what
>>> was already a good schematic.  I don't know if the changes in
>>>      eeschema/sch_field.cpp, rev 3230
>>> were worth this inconvenience.  I wonder if it was your intention to actually move all
>>> fields of all schematics ever created with KiCad before 3230?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dick
>> Yes, send me a jpeg.
>> I remember this change was made because there was serious inconsistencies is field positions
>> when a component was rotated or/and mirrored.
>> I fact the old behavior was buggy.
> Three jpegs attached from 3 different revisions:
> 3229 is ethok.jpeg
> 3230 was shows the bounding box and is ethbad.jpeg
> 3339 is like 3230 without bounding box, this is ethbad2.jpeg from todays build.

In addition to the shift up, there is also a large shift to the right following revision
3230.  Here are the pertinent lines of text from the ethernet.sch file:

F 0 "R157" V 10775 5040 60  0000 L CNN
F 1 "75 1%" V 10775 4615 60  0000 L CNN


L R R157
U 1 1 46073CC7
P 10850 4850
F 0 "R157" V 10775 5040 60  0000 L CNN
F 1 "75 1%" V 10775 4615 60  0000 L CNN
F 2 "SM0603" H 11000 5150 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "Digi-Key P75 0HCT-ND" H 11000 5150 60  0001 C CNN "Vendor"
F 5 "Panasonic ERJ-3EKF75R0V" H 11000 5150 60  0001 C CNN "Manufacturer"
    1    10850 4850
    0    1    1    0  

On the same schematic there is another R component that appears to have its VALUE and
REFERENCE fields in the *correct* position:

L R R74
U 1 1 4553A7C6
P 2750 5250
F 0 "R74" V 2800 5400 60  0000 L CNN
F 1 "49.9 1%" V 2800 4900 60  0000 L CNN
    1    2750 5250
    0    -1   -1   0  

The bug (if it is one) is shifting the text up and to the right, on some components, *but
not all*.



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