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Re: svg icon cmake file - cross platform problem ?


Le 25/03/2012 13:16, Fabrizio Tappero a écrit :
in attachment you can see the current kicad (cvpcb) icon bar as well
as my cvpcb built few mins ago with the command:


There seem to be an icon problem ( the one on the right). I see from
the bzr log that jean-pierre built that and I wonder if the problem is
because you built it on windows?

If I had to say what the problem is, well maybe is the option
"--export-area-snap" in line 536 of bitmaps_png/CMakeList but maybe

Either way, jean-pierre, could you please try to rebuild kicad with:


to see if maybe you just forgot to merge this bad icon.

Unfortunately when you try to make icons, pixel alignment determines
the difference between sharp and fuzzy icons.


I am thinking you are talking about module_pin_filtered_list icon,
and the position of the '#' symbol inside the black square area.
I am thinking the .cpp files have no problem.
module_pin_filtered_list icon looks *exactly* like the svg source icon, and not like your (better) icon.

So can you check the corresponding .svg file and re-send me this .svg file?
Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

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