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Re: Parallel build errors on Windows using mingw32-make


At first glance it seems there are multiple threads building the same target.
There is no mutual exclusion on this target to thread assignment.

The target being built "twice, simultaneously" is attached, and I find it in file.


on linux.  Please check on mingw.

If similar, does this look like a correct formulation of a make target?

See anything which would cause make-mingw to fire up two threads to handle it?

Maybe because the target is listed on two lines?

../pcbnew/specctra_lexer.h: ../pcbnew/specctra.keywords
../pcbnew/specctra_lexer.h: ../CMakeModules/TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_report /svn/kicad/testing.checkout/build/CMakeFiles $(CMAKE_PROGRESS_195)
	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake creating:"
	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "           /svn/kicad/testing.checkout/pcbnew/specctra_lexer.h and"
	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "           /svn/kicad/testing.checkout/pcbnew/specctra_keywords.cpp from"
	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "           /svn/kicad/testing.checkout/pcbnew/specctra.keywords"
	cd /svn/kicad/testing.checkout/build/pcbnew && /usr/bin/cmake -Denum=DSN -DinputFile=/svn/kicad/testing.checkout/pcbnew/specctra.keywords -DoutHeaderFile=/svn/kicad/testing.checkout/pcbnew/specctra_lexer.h -DoutCppFile=/svn/kicad/testing.checkout/pcbnew/specctra_keywords.cpp -P /svn/kicad/testing.checkout/CMakeModules/TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake
