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Re: Flash/Pad support


On 06/04/2013 09:44 PM, NHays Terrace wrote:

If pcbnew had direct support for rectangle flash objects outside of
modules, the mapping would be simple.
Hi Nate,

IMHO, adding new types of copper objects may be tricky - aside from just drawing, you need to take care of DRC, hit testing, dragging, plotting, printing and so on to make the new entity fully supported... Even now, Kicad has no for arcs on copper layers (because of missing arc-to-everything-else clearance check).

Alternatively, the exporter could build a zone for each flash.
This seems easier in short term, especially if it's a seldom used function (and not performance critical). Do you need it for panelization?

In general, pcbnew’s drawing object set is fairly specific to pcb
related objects which limits expansion.
With the new graphics API, you will be able to define custom VIEW_ITEMs to draw user-defined objects.

Generic grouping of objects is another common component of graphics

I would like to <ctl> click objects to select several of them, then
r-click and select ‘group’.

Then I can move them as a unit – extremely useful.

I would say that before this happens, pcbnew needs a general capability of selecting one or more objects (see point 12 - http://www.ohwr.org/projects/cern-kicad/wiki/WorkPackages) and a more generic drag&drop tool. This is probably the hard part, if it's well designed, adding object groups should be easy.

