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Re: Regression Testing Plan


Great, I shall be following developments and hopefully I will get some time
to help out/try out some Python based alternatives.

On 7 June 2013 10:00, Brian Sidebotham <brian.sidebotham@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Thanks so-much for all the feedback on the Regression Testing thread - I
> think we can easily conclude that everyone feels it's a good idea.
> Secondly, I think it's also safe to conclude that people wish to
> regression test the UI as well as the WorkerFunctions.
> I really liked Frank's idea of macro recording for the test suite. It
> seems like a really neat way of writing tests - it just depends what we're
> looking to test because the test needs some sort of output that we can
> check.
> I think the next stage for introducing a Regression Testing suite is to
> start a new branch, and start experimenting.
> I will start by using the CTest & the Boost Test library (Handy that we
> now have all the boost headers in place BTW!)
> Boost Test:
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/test/doc/html/index.html
> If anyone wants, they could set-up a separate branch to test other ideas
> for a regression test suite. It may be that both UI and Worker Function
> testing use different methods to run and evaluate the outcome of tests.
> Nothing will happen too quick, but at least we know we're heading towards
> having regression testing. For the moment, I am still working on the
> python-a-mingw-us installer and ultimately Windows Python scripting. I
> should be committing that soon.
> Best Regards, Brian.
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