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Regression Testing Plan


Hi Guys,

Thanks so-much for all the feedback on the Regression Testing thread - I
think we can easily conclude that everyone feels it's a good idea.

Secondly, I think it's also safe to conclude that people wish to regression
test the UI as well as the WorkerFunctions.

I really liked Frank's idea of macro recording for the test suite. It seems
like a really neat way of writing tests - it just depends what we're
looking to test because the test needs some sort of output that we can

I think the next stage for introducing a Regression Testing suite is to
start a new branch, and start experimenting.

I will start by using the CTest & the Boost Test library (Handy that we now
have all the boost headers in place BTW!)

Boost Test:

If anyone wants, they could set-up a separate branch to test other ideas
for a regression test suite. It may be that both UI and Worker Function
testing use different methods to run and evaluate the outcome of tests.

Nothing will happen too quick, but at least we know we're heading towards
having regression testing. For the moment, I am still working on the
python-a-mingw-us installer and ultimately Windows Python scripting. I
should be committing that soon.

Best Regards, Brian.

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