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Re: Boost building as an option


Here comes the promised patch.
The second one removes the last traces of KICAD_STABLE_VERSION, as right now it only affects the string that holds the version information. Currently, we may have exactly the same code with a different version information, just depending on the applied CMake parameters. The patch changes that and updates the documentation.

=== modified file 'CMakeLists.txt'
--- old/CMakeLists.txt	2014-01-07 00:20:52.289000000 +0100
+++ new/CMakeLists.txt	2014-01-07 09:52:45.706000000 +0100
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ option( KICAD_BUILD_STATIC
     "Builds Kicad and all libraries static (except wx-widgets)"
+    "Skips building the required boost library components.
+    WARNING: KiCad developers strongly advise you to build the bundled boost library, as it is 
+    known to work with KiCad. Other versions may contain bugs that may result in KiCad errors."
+    )
 # PYTHON_EXECUTABLE can be defined when invoking cmake
 # ( use -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=<python path>/python.exe or python2 )
@@ -317,7 +323,21 @@ check_find_package_result(CAIRO_FOUND "C
 # Download boost and possibly build parts of it
-include( download_boost )
+    find_package( Boost 1.54.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS context date_time filesystem iostreams locale
+                                                   program_options regex system thread )
+    if( NOT Boost_FOUND )
+        message( FATAL_ERROR "Boost 1.54+ libraries are required." )
+    endif()
+    message( WARNING "
+WARNING: You decided to skip building boost library.
+KiCad developers strongly advise you to build the bundled boost library, as it is known to work with KiCad.
+Other versions may contain bugs that may result in KiCad errors." )
+    include( download_boost )
 # Find wxWidgets library #
=== modified file 'Documentation/compiling/build-config.txt'
--- old/Documentation/compiling/build-config.txt	2013-11-07 15:26:32.405999000 +0100
+++ new/Documentation/compiling/build-config.txt	2014-01-07 09:52:45.706000000 +0100
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ All of the configuration settings below
 If for any reason you add or remove a build option to the KiCad CMake files,
 please update the list below.
+Skips building the required boost library components.
+WARNING: KiCad developers strongly advise you to build the bundled boost library, as it is
+known to work with KiCad. Other versions may contain bugs that may result in KiCad errors.
 This option enables or disables the stable version string to be created and
=== removed directory 'common/system'
=== removed file 'common/system/fcontext.s'
--- old/common/system/fcontext.s	2013-12-20 09:15:00 +0000
+++ new/common/system/fcontext.s	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-    Boost::Context assembly wrapper - done to avoid compiling the whole boost binary library
-    which may be unpleasant, in particular under Windows (we don't support VC++, while boost::context
-    does not support mingw */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-    #if __i386__
-        #include "jump_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S"
-        #include "make_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S"
-    #elif __x86_64__
-        #include "jump_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S"
-        #include "make_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S"
-    #else
-        #error "Missing make_fcontext & jump_fcontext routines for this architecture"
-    #endif
-    #if __i386__
-        #ifdef __WIN32__
-            #include "jump_i386_pe_gas.S"
-            #include "make_i386_pe_gas.S"
-        #else
-            #include "jump_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S"
-            #include "make_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S"
-        #endif
-    #elif __x86_64__
-        #include "jump_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S"
-        #include "make_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S"
-    #elif __arm__
-        #include "jump_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S"
-        #include "make_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S"
-    #else
-         #error "Missing make_fcontext & jump_fcontext routines for this architecture"
-    #endif

=== removed file 'common/system/jump_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/jump_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S	2013-11-27 08:48:31 +0000
+++ new/common/system/jump_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                 *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x0 | 0x4 | 0x8 | 0xc | 0x10| 0x14| 0x18| 0x1c| 0x20| 0x24|  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  v1 |  v2 |  v3 |  v4 |  v5 |  v6 |  v7 |  v8 |  sp |  lr |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  10 |                                                     |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x28|                                                     |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  pc |                                                     |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  11 |  12 |                                               |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x2c| 0x30|                                               |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  sp | size|                                               |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  13 |  14 | 15 |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |  20 |  21 |  22  |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x34| 0x38|0x3c| 0x40| 0x44| 0x48| 0x4c| 0x50| 0x54| 0x58 |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | s16 | s17 | s18 | s19 | s20 | s21 | s22 | s23 | s24 | s25 |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  23 |  24 |  25 |  26 |  27 |  28 |                       |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x5c| 0x60| 0x64| 0x68| 0x6c| 0x70|                       |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | s26 | s27 | s28 | s29 | s30 | s31 |                       |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                 *
- * *****************************************************************/
-.globl jump_fcontext
-.align 2
-.type jump_fcontext,%function
-    stmia   a1, {v1-v8,sp-lr}       @ save V1-V8,SP-LR
-    str     lr, [a1,#40]            @ save LR as PC
-#if (defined(__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__))
-    cmp     a4, #0                  @ test if fpu env should be preserved
-    beq     1f
-    mov     a4, a1
-    add     a4, #52
-    vstmia  a4, {d8-d15}            @ save S16-S31
-    mov     a4, a2
-    add     a4, #52
-    vldmia  a4, {d8-d15}            @ restore S16-S31
-    mov     a1, a3                  @ use third arg as return value after jump
-                                    @ and as first arg in context function
-    ldmia   a2, {v1-v8,sp-pc}       @ restore v1-V8,SP-PC
-.size jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext
-/* Mark that we don't need executable stack.  */
-.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits

=== removed file 'common/system/jump_i386_pe_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/jump_i386_pe_gas.S	2013-08-02 17:21:22 +0000
+++ new/common/system/jump_i386_pe_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/*           Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-     (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-           http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-.global _jump_fcontext
-.align 2
-    mov    0x4(%esp),%ecx
-    mov    %edi,(%ecx)
-    mov    %esi,0x4(%ecx)
-    mov    %ebx,0x8(%ecx)
-    mov    %ebp,0xc(%ecx)
-    mov    %fs:0x18,%edx
-    mov    (%edx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x24(%ecx)
-    mov    0x4(%edx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x18(%ecx)
-    mov    0x8(%edx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x20(%ecx)
-    mov    0x10(%edx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x28(%ecx)
-    lea    0x4(%esp),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x10(%ecx)
-    mov    (%esp),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x14(%ecx)
-    mov    0x8(%esp),%edx
-    mov    (%edx),%edi
-    mov    0x4(%edx),%esi
-    mov    0x8(%edx),%ebx
-    mov    0xc(%edx),%ebp
-    mov    0x10(%esp),%eax
-    test   %eax,%eax
-    je     _jump_fcontext+0x5f
-    stmxcsr 0x2c(%ecx)
-    fnstcw 0x30(%ecx)
-    ldmxcsr 0x2c(%edx)
-    fldcw  0x30(%edx)
-    mov    %edx,%ecx
-    mov    %fs:0x18,%edx
-    mov    0x24(%ecx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,(%edx)
-    mov    0x18(%ecx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)
-    mov    0x20(%ecx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x8(%edx)
-    mov    0x28(%ecx),%eax
-    mov    %eax,0x10(%edx)
-    mov    0xc(%esp),%eax
-    mov    0x10(%ecx),%esp
-    mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
-    mov    0x14(%ecx),%ecx
-    jmp    *%ecx

=== removed file 'common/system/jump_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/jump_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S	2013-08-02 14:46:53 +0000
+++ new/common/system/jump_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   EDI   |   ESI   |   EBX   |   EBP   |   ESP    |   EIP   |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    6    |    7    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    sp   |  size   |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                  *
- * *****************************************************************/
-.globl jump_fcontext
-.align 2
-.type jump_fcontext,@function
-    movl    0x4(%esp), %ecx         /* load address of the first fcontext_t arg */
-    movl    %edi,       (%ecx)      /* save EDI */
-    movl    %esi,       0x4(%ecx)   /* save ESI */
-    movl    %ebx,       0x8(%ecx)   /* save EBX */
-    movl    %ebp,       0xc(%ecx)   /* save EBP */
-    leal    0x4(%esp),  %eax        /* exclude the return address */
-    movl    %eax,       0x10(%ecx)  /* save as stack pointer */
-    movl    (%esp),     %eax        /* load return address */
-    movl    %eax,       0x14(%ecx)  /* save return address */
-    movl    0x8(%esp),   %edx       /* load address of the second fcontext_t arg */
-    movl    (%edx),      %edi       /* restore EDI */
-    movl    0x4(%edx),   %esi       /* restore ESI */
-    movl    0x8(%edx),   %ebx       /* restore EBX */
-    movl    0xc(%edx),   %ebp       /* restore EBP */
-    movl    0x10(%esp),  %eax       /* check if fpu enve preserving was requested */
-    test    %eax,        %eax
-    je      1f
-    stmxcsr  0x20(%ecx)             /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x24(%ecx)             /* save x87 control word */
-    ldmxcsr  0x20(%edx)             /* restore MMX control and status word */
-    fldcw    0x24(%edx)             /* restore x87 control word */
-    movl    0xc(%esp),   %eax       /* use third arg as return value after jump */
-    movl    0x10(%edx),  %esp       /* restore ESP */
-    movl    %eax,        0x4(%esp)  /* use third arg as first arg in context function */
-    movl    0x14(%edx),  %edx       /* fetch the address to return to */
-    jmp     *%edx                   /* indirect jump to context */
-.size jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext

=== removed file 'common/system/jump_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/jump_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S	2013-09-23 15:02:25 +0000
+++ new/common/system/jump_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   EDI   |   ESI   |   EBX   |   EBP   |   ESP    |   EIP   |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    6    |    7    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    sp   |   size  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                  *
- * *****************************************************************/
-.globl _jump_fcontext
-.align 2
-    movl    0x4(%esp), %ecx         /* load address of the first fcontext_t arg */
-    movl    %edi,       (%ecx)      /* save EDI */
-    movl    %esi,       0x4(%ecx)   /* save ESI */
-    movl    %ebx,       0x8(%ecx)   /* save EBX */
-    movl    %ebp,       0xc(%ecx)   /* save EBP */
-    leal    0x4(%esp),  %eax        /* exclude the return address */
-    movl    %eax,       0x10(%ecx)  /* save as stack pointer */
-    movl    (%esp),     %eax        /* load return address */
-    movl    %eax,       0x14(%ecx)  /* save return address */
-    movl    0x8(%esp),   %edx       /* load address of the second fcontext_t arg */
-    movl    (%edx),      %edi       /* restore EDI */
-    movl    0x4(%edx),   %esi       /* restore ESI */
-    movl    0x8(%edx),   %ebx       /* restore EBX */
-    movl    0xc(%edx),   %ebp       /* restore EBP */
-    movl    0x10(%esp),  %eax       /* check if fpu enve preserving was requested */
-    test    %eax,        %eax
-    je      1f
-    stmxcsr  0x20(%ecx)             /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x24(%ecx)             /* save x87 control word */
-    ldmxcsr  0x20(%edx)             /* restore MMX control and status word */
-    fldcw    0x24(%edx)             /* restore x87 control word */
-    movl    0xc(%esp),   %eax       /* use third arg as return value after jump */
-    movl    0x10(%edx),  %esp       /* restore ESP */
-    movl    %eax,        0x4(%esp)  /* use third arg as first arg in context function */
-    movl    0x14(%edx),  %edx       /* fetch the address to return to */
-    jmp     *%edx                   /* indirect jump to context */

=== removed file 'common/system/jump_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/jump_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S	2013-09-16 07:51:24 +0000
+++ new/common/system/jump_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-            http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                                      *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |    6    |    7    |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        RBX        |        R12        |         R13        |        R14        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |    12    |    13   |    14   |    15   |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |   0x28  |  0x2c   |   0x30   |   0x34  |   0x38  |   0x3c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        R15        |        RBP        |         RSP        |        RIP        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   16    |   17    |   18    |    19   |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  0x40   |  0x44   |  0x48   |   0x4c  |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        sp         |       size        |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    20   |    21   |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x50  |   0x54  |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                                      *
- * **************************************************************************************/
-.globl jump_fcontext
-.type jump_fcontext,@function
-.align 8
-    movq     %rbx,       (%rdi)         /* save RBX */
-    movq     %r12,       0x8(%rdi)      /* save R12 */
-    movq     %r13,       0x10(%rdi)     /* save R13 */
-    movq     %r14,       0x18(%rdi)     /* save R14 */
-    movq     %r15,       0x20(%rdi)     /* save R15 */
-    movq     %rbp,       0x28(%rdi)     /* save RBP */
-    cmp      $0,         %rcx
-    je       1f
-    stmxcsr  0x50(%rdi)             /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x54(%rdi)             /* save x87 control word */
-    ldmxcsr  0x50(%rsi)             /* restore MMX control and status word */
-    fldcw    0x54(%rsi)             /* restore x87 control word */
-    leaq     0x8(%rsp),  %rax       /* exclude the return address and save as stack pointer */
-    movq     %rax,       0x30(%rdi) /* save as stack pointer */
-    movq     (%rsp),     %rax       /* save return address */
-    movq     %rax,       0x38(%rdi) /* save return address as RIP */
-    movq     (%rsi),      %rbx      /* restore RBX */
-    movq     0x8(%rsi),   %r12      /* restore R12 */
-    movq     0x10(%rsi),  %r13      /* restore R13 */
-    movq     0x18(%rsi),  %r14      /* restore R14 */
-    movq     0x20(%rsi),  %r15      /* restore R15 */
-    movq     0x28(%rsi),  %rbp      /* restore RBP */
-    movq     0x30(%rsi),  %rsp      /* restore RSP */
-    movq     0x38(%rsi),  %rcx      /* fetch the address to return to */
-    movq     %rdx,        %rax      /* use third arg as return value after jump */
-    movq     %rdx,        %rdi      /* use third arg as first arg in context function */
-    jmp      *%rcx                  /* indirect jump to context */
-.size jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext

=== removed file 'common/system/jump_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/jump_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S	2013-09-23 15:02:25 +0000
+++ new/common/system/jump_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-            http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                                      *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |    6    |    7    |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        RBX        |        R12        |         R13        |        R14        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |    12    |    13   |    14   |    15   |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |   0x28  |  0x2c   |   0x30   |   0x34  |   0x38  |   0x3c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        R15        |        RBP        |         RSP        |        RIP        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   16    |   17    |   18    |    19   |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  0x40   |  0x44   |  0x48   |   0x4c  |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        sp         |        size       |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    20   |    21   |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x50  |   0x54  |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                                      *
- * **************************************************************************************/
-.globl _jump_fcontext
-.align 8
-    movq     %rbx,       (%rdi)         /* save RBX */
-    movq     %r12,       0x8(%rdi)      /* save R12 */
-    movq     %r13,       0x10(%rdi)     /* save R13 */
-    movq     %r14,       0x18(%rdi)     /* save R14 */
-    movq     %r15,       0x20(%rdi)     /* save R15 */
-    movq     %rbp,       0x28(%rdi)     /* save RBP */
-    cmp      $0,         %rcx
-    je       1f
-    stmxcsr  0x50(%rdi)             /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x54(%rdi)             /* save x87 control word */
-    ldmxcsr  0x50(%rsi)             /* restore MMX control and status word */
-    fldcw    0x54(%rsi)             /* restore x87 control word */
-    leaq     0x8(%rsp),  %rax       /* exclude the return address and save as stack pointer */
-    movq     %rax,       0x30(%rdi) /* save as stack pointer */
-    movq     (%rsp),     %rax       /* save return address */
-    movq     %rax,       0x38(%rdi) /* save return address as RIP */
-    movq     (%rsi),      %rbx      /* restore RBX */
-    movq     0x8(%rsi),   %r12      /* restore R12 */
-    movq     0x10(%rsi),  %r13      /* restore R13 */
-    movq     0x18(%rsi),  %r14      /* restore R14 */
-    movq     0x20(%rsi),  %r15      /* restore R15 */
-    movq     0x28(%rsi),  %rbp      /* restore RBP */
-    movq     0x30(%rsi),  %rsp      /* restore RSP */
-    movq     0x38(%rsi),  %rcx      /* fetch the address to return to */
-    movq     %rdx,        %rax      /* use third arg as return value after jump */
-    movq     %rdx,        %rdi      /* use third arg as first arg in context function */
-    jmp      *%rcx                  /* indirect jump to context */

=== removed file 'common/system/make_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/make_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S	2013-11-27 08:48:31 +0000
+++ new/common/system/make_arm_aapcs_elf_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                 *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x0 | 0x4 | 0x8 | 0xc | 0x10| 0x14| 0x18| 0x1c| 0x20| 0x24|  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  v1 |  v2 |  v3 |  v4 |  v5 |  v6 |  v7 |  v8 |  sp |  lr |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  10 |                                                     |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x28|                                                     |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  pc |                                                     |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  11 |  12 |                                               |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x2c| 0x30|                                               |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  sp | size|                                               |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  13 |  14 | 15 |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |  20 |  21 |  22  |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x34| 0x38|0x3c| 0x40| 0x44| 0x48| 0x4c| 0x50| 0x54| 0x58 |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | s16 | s17 | s18 | s19 | s20 | s21 | s22 | s23 | s24 | s25 |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  23 |  24 |  25 |  26 |  27 |  28 |                       |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | 0x5c| 0x60| 0x64| 0x68| 0x6c| 0x70|                       |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | s26 | s27 | s28 | s29 | s30 | s31 |                       |  *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                 *
- * *****************************************************************/
-.globl make_fcontext
-.align 2
-.type make_fcontext,%function
-    mov     a4, a1          @ save address of context stack (base) A4
-    sub     a1, a1, #116    @ reserve space for fcontext_t at top of context stack
-    @ shift address in A1 to lower 16 byte boundary
-    @ == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack
-    bic     a1, a1, #15
-    str     a4, [a1,#44]    @ save address of context stack (base) in fcontext_t
-    str     a2, [a1,#48]    @ save context stack size in fcontext_t
-    str     a3, [a1,#40]    @ save address of context function in fcontext_t
-    str     a1, [a1,#32]    @ save address in A4 as stack pointer for context function
-    adr     a2, finish      @ compute abs address of label finish
-    str     a2, [a1,#36]    @ save address of finish as return address for context function
-                            @ entered after context function returns
-    bx      lr
-    @ SP points to same addras SP on entry of context function
-    mov     a1, #0          @ exit code is zero
-    bl      _exit@PLT       @ exit application
-.size make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext
-/* Mark that we don't need executable stack.  */
-.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits

=== removed file 'common/system/make_i386_pe_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/make_i386_pe_gas.S	2013-10-14 11:43:57 +0000
+++ new/common/system/make_i386_pe_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*           Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-     (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-           http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-.global _make_fcontext
-.align 2
-    mov    0x4(%esp),%eax
-    lea    -0x34(%eax),%eax
-    and    $0xfffffff0,%eax
-    mov    0x4(%esp),%ecx
-    mov    %ecx,0x18(%eax)
-    mov    0x8(%esp),%edx
-    mov    %edx,0x1c(%eax)
-    neg    %edx
-    lea    (%edx,%ecx,1),%ecx
-    mov    %ecx,0x20(%eax)
-    mov    0xc(%esp),%ecx
-    mov    %ecx,0x14(%eax)
-    stmxcsr 0x2c(%eax)
-    fnstcw 0x30(%eax)
-    lea    -0x1c(%eax),%edx
-    mov    %edx,0x10(%eax)
-    mov    $0x0,%ecx
-    mov    %ecx,(%edx)
-    mov    %fs:0x18,%ecx
-    mov    (%ecx),%edx
-    inc    %edx
-    je     _make_fcontext+0x4c // <_make_fcontext+0x4c>
-    dec    %edx
-    xchg   %edx,%ecx
-    jmp    _make_fcontext+0x42 // <_make_fcontext+0x42>
-    mov    0x4(%ecx),%ecx
-    mov    0x10(%eax),%edx
-    mov    %ecx,0x18(%edx)
-    mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx
-    mov    %ecx,0x14(%edx)
-    lea    0x14(%edx),%ecx
-    mov    %ecx,0x24(%eax)
-    ret
-    xor    %eax,%eax
-    mov    %eax,(%esp)
-    call   finish+0xa
-    hlt

=== removed file 'common/system/make_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/make_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S	2013-08-02 14:46:53 +0000
+++ new/common/system/make_i386_sysv_elf_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   EDI   |   ESI   |   EBX   |   EBP   |   ESP    |   EIP   |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    6    |    7    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    sp   |  size   |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                  *
- * *****************************************************************/
-.globl make_fcontext
-.align 2
-.type make_fcontext,@function
-    movl   0x4(%esp),      %eax         /* load 1. arg of make_fcontext, pointer to context stack (base) */
-    leal   -0x28(%eax),    %eax         /* reserve space for fcontext_t at top of context stack */
-    /* shift address in EAX to lower 16 byte boundary */
-    /* == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack */
-    andl   $-16,           %eax
-    movl   0x4(%esp),      %edx         /* load 1. arg of make_fcontext, pointer to context stack (base) */
-    movl   %edx,           0x18(%eax)   /* save address of context stack (base) in fcontext_t */
-    movl   0x8(%esp),      %edx         /* load 2. arg of make_fcontext, context stack size */
-    movl   %edx,           0x1c(%eax)   /* save stack size in fcontext_t */
-    movl   0xc(%esp),      %edx         /* load 3. arg of make_fcontext, pointer to context function */
-    movl   %edx,           0x14(%eax)   /* save address of context function in fcontext_t */
-    stmxcsr  0x20(%eax)                 /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x24(%eax)                 /* save x87 control word */
-    leal   -0x8(%eax),     %edx         /* reserve space for the last frame on context stack; (ESP - 0x4) % 16 == 0 */
-    movl   %edx,           0x10(%eax)   /* save address in EDX as stack pointer for context function */
-    call   1f
-1:  popl   %ecx                        /* address of label 2 */
-    addl   $finish-1b, %ecx            /* compute abs address of label finish */
-    movl   %ecx, (%edx)                /* save address of finish as return address for context functions */
-                                       /* entered after context function returns */
-    ret
-    /* ESP points to same address as ESP on entry of context function + 0x4 */
-    call    2f
-2:  popl    %ebx                                    /* address of label 3 */
-    addl    $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-2b], %ebx     /* compute address of GOT and store it in EBX */
-    xorl    %eax,  %eax
-    movl    %eax,  (%esp)               /* exit code is zero */
-    call   _exit@PLT                    /* exit application */
-    hlt
-.size make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext

=== removed file 'common/system/make_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/make_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S	2013-09-23 15:02:25 +0000
+++ new/common/system/make_i386_sysv_macho_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   EDI   |   ESI   |   EBX   |   EBP   |   ESP    |   EIP   |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    6    |    7    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    sp   |   size  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                        |  *
- *  --------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                  *
- * *****************************************************************/
-.globl _make_fcontext
-.align 2
-    movl   0x4(%esp),      %eax         /* load 1. arg of make_fcontext, pointer to context stack (base) */
-    leal   -0x28(%eax),    %eax         /* reserve space for fcontext_t at top of context stack */
-    /* shift address in EAX to lower 16 byte boundary */
-    /* == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack */
-    andl   $-16,           %eax
-    movl   0x4(%esp),      %edx         /* load 1. arg of make_fcontext, pointer to context stack (base) */
-    movl   %edx,           0x18(%eax)   /* save address of stack pointer (base) in fcontext_t */
-    movl   0x8(%esp),      %edx         /* load 2. arg of make_fcontext, context stack size */
-    movl   %edx,           0x1c(%eax)   /* save stack size in fcontext_t */
-    movl   0xc(%esp),      %edx         /* load 3. arg of make_fcontext, pointer to context function */
-    movl   %edx,           0x14(%eax)   /* save address of context fcuntion in fcontext_t */
-    stmxcsr  0x20(%eax)                 /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x24(%eax)                 /* save x87 control word */
-    leal   -0x14(%eax),    %edx         /* reserve space for the last frame on context stack */
-    movl   %edx,           0x10(%eax)   /* save address in EDX as stack pointer for context function */
-    call   1f
-1:  popl   %ecx                         /* address of label 1 */
-    addl   $finish-1b,     %ecx         /* compute abs address of label finish */
-    movl   %ecx, (%edx)                 /* save address of finish as return address for context function */
-                                        /* entered after context function returns */
-    ret
-    /* ESP points to same address as ESP on entry of context function + 0x4 */
-    xorl    %eax,  %eax
-    movl    %eax,  (%esp)               /* exit code is zero */
-    call   __exit                       /* exit application */
-    hlt

=== removed file 'common/system/make_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/make_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S	2013-09-16 07:51:24 +0000
+++ new/common/system/make_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-            http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                                      *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |    6    |    7    |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        RBX        |        R12        |         R13        |        R14        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |    12    |    13   |    14   |    15   |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |   0x28  |  0x2c   |   0x30   |   0x34  |   0x38  |   0x3c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        R15        |        RBP        |         RSP        |        RIP        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   16    |   17    |   18    |    19   |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  0x40   |  0x44   |  0x48   |   0x4c  |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        sp         |       size        |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    20   |    21   |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x50  |   0x54  |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                                      *
- * **************************************************************************************/
-.globl make_fcontext
-#ifndef  __APPLE__
-.type make_fcontext,@function
-.align 8
-    leaq   -0x58(%rdi),    %rax        /* reserve space for fcontext_t at top of context stack */
-    /* shift address in RAX to lower 16 byte boundary */
-    /* == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack */
-    andq   $-16,           %rax
-    movq   %rdi,           0x40(%rax) /* save address of context stack pointer (base) in fcontext_t */
-    movq   %rsi,           0x48(%rax) /* save context stack size in fcontext_t */
-    movq   %rdx,           0x38(%rax) /* save address of context function in fcontext_t */
-    stmxcsr  0x50(%rax)                /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x54(%rax)                /* save x87 control word */
-    leaq   -0x8(%rax),      %rdx       /* reserve space for the return address on context stack, (RSP - 0x8) % 16 == 0 */
-    movq   %rdx,            0x30(%rax) /* save address in RDX as stack pointer for context function */
-    leaq   finish(%rip),    %rcx       /* compute abs address of label finish */
-    movq   %rcx,            (%rdx)     /* save address of finish as return address for context function */
-                                       /* entered after context function returns */
-    ret                                /* return pointer to fcontext_t placed on context stack */
-    /* RSP points to same address as RSP on entry of context function + 0x8 */
-    xorq    %rdi,           %rdi       /* exit code is zero */
-    call   _exit@PLT                   /* exit application */
-    hlt
-#ifndef  __APPLE__
-.size make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext

=== removed file 'common/system/make_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S'
--- old/common/system/make_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S	2013-09-23 15:02:25 +0000
+++ new/common/system/make_x86_64_sysv_macho_gas.S	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-            http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- *                                                                                      *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |    6    |    7    |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x0   |   0x4   |   0x8   |   0xc   |   0x10   |   0x14  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        RBX        |        R12        |         R13        |        R14        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |    12    |    13   |    14   |    15   |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x20  |   0x24  |   0x28  |  0x2c   |   0x30   |   0x34  |   0x38  |   0x3c  |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        R15        |        RBP        |         RSP        |        RIP        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   16    |   17    |   18    |    19   |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |  0x40   |  0x44   |  0x48   |   0x4c  |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |        sp         |        size       |                                        |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |    20   |    21   |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  |   0x50  |   0x54  |                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|                                                            |  *
- *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *
- *                                                                                      *
- * **************************************************************************************/
-.globl _make_fcontext
-.align 8
-    leaq   -0x58(%rdi),     %rax        /* reserve space for fcontext_t at top of context stack */
-    /* shift address in RAX to lower 16 byte boundary */
-    /* == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack */
-    movabs  $-16,           %r8
-    andq    %r8,            %rax
-    movq   %rdi,            0x40(%rax) /* save address of stack pointer (base) in fcontext_t */
-    movq   %rsi,            0x48(%rax) /* save stack size in fcontext_t */
-    movq   %rdx,            0x38(%rax) /* save address of context function in fcontext_t */
-    stmxcsr  0x50(%rax)                /* save MMX control and status word */
-    fnstcw   0x54(%rax)                /* save x87 control word */
-    leaq   -0x8(%rax),      %rdx       /* reserve space for the return address on context stack, (RSP - 0x8) % 16 == 0 */
-    movq   %rdx,            0x30(%rax) /* save address in RDX as stack pointer for context function */
-    leaq   finish(%rip),    %rcx       /* compute abs address of label finish */
-    movq   %rcx,            (%rdx)     /* save address of finish as return address for context function */
-                                       /* entered after context function returns */
-    ret                                /* return pointer to fcontext_t placed on context stack */
-    /* RSP points to same address as RSP on entry of context function + 0x8 */
-    xorq    %rdi,           %rdi       /* exit code is zero */
-    call   __exit                      /* exit application */

=== modified file 'CMakeLists.txt'
--- old/CMakeLists.txt	2014-01-07 09:52:45.706000000 +0100
+++ new/CMakeLists.txt	2014-01-07 09:59:15.237999000 +0100
@@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ option( USE_WX_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT
     "Use wxOverlay: Always ON for MAC ( default OFF). Warning, this is experimental" )
-#One of these 2 option *must* be set to ON:
-    "set this option to ON to build the stable version of KICAD. mainly used to set version ID (default OFF)"
-    )
     "set this option ON to build the scripting support inside kicad binaries"
@@ -56,16 +51,8 @@ option( KICAD_SKIP_BOOST
 # when not defined by user, the default is python.exe under Windows and python2 for others
 # python binary file should be is exec path.
 option( BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN "Build the GITHUB_PLUGIN for pcbnew." OFF )
-# Set version option (stable or testing)
-    add_definitions( -DKICAD_STABLE_VERSION )
-    message( STATUS "Building stable version of KiCad" )
 # All CMake downloads go here.  Suggested is up in the source tree, not in the build dir where they
 # would have to be downloaded over and over again.  The default is to choose a directory that is
 # hidden on linux (starts with a '.') because there is a way to exclude this directory when grepping
=== modified file 'Documentation/compiling/COMPILING.txt'
--- old/Documentation/compiling/COMPILING.txt	2013-06-05 14:03:16.766999000 +0200
+++ new/Documentation/compiling/COMPILING.txt	2014-01-07 09:59:15.237999000 +0100
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ On either cmake command line shown below
 If windows, run the following command:
-    cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  -DKICAD_TESTING_VERSION=ON -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=<wxInstallDir> ../../
+    cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=<wxInstallDir> ../../
 If linux, run instead the following command:
     cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../../
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Although normally you do not install the
 where they were built.
 If windows, run the following command:
-    cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DKICAD_TESTING_VERSION=ON -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=<wxInstallDir> ../../
+    cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=<wxInstallDir> ../../
 where <wxInstallDir> is <wxWidgets path>/Release
 If linux, run instead the following command:
=== modified file 'Documentation/compiling/build-config.txt'
--- old/Documentation/compiling/build-config.txt	2014-01-07 09:52:45.706000000 +0100
+++ new/Documentation/compiling/build-config.txt	2014-01-07 09:59:15.237999000 +0100
@@ -94,16 +94,6 @@ Skips building the required boost librar
 WARNING: KiCad developers strongly advise you to build the bundled boost library, as it is
 known to work with KiCad. Other versions may contain bugs that may result in KiCad errors.
-This option enables or disables the stable version string to be created and
-used when building KiCad.  It is mutually exclusive with KICAD_TESTING_VERSION.
-This option enables or disables the testing version string to be created and
-used when building KiCad.  It is mutually exclusive with KICAD_STABLE_VERSION.
 This option is *Experimental* and used the advanced drawing library code
=== modified file 'Documentation/compiling/build-msw.txt'
--- old/Documentation/compiling/build-msw.txt	2013-06-05 14:03:16.766999000 +0200
+++ new/Documentation/compiling/build-msw.txt	2014-01-07 09:59:15.237999000 +0100
@@ -149,8 +149,7 @@ command line enter the following command
 To create a release build of KiCad, run the following command:
 #cd build
 #cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles"                  \  # Back slashes are not required
-       -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release           \  # and are for formatting only.
+       -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../../    \  # and are for formatting only.
 If the configuration fails, you have failed to install the required software
 on you system.  The error message should give you a good indication of what is
@@ -187,8 +186,7 @@ To create a debug version of KiCad, ente
 #cd <kicadSource>/build/debug
 #cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles"                       \
-       -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug                  \
+       -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../
 Generally speaking you do not install debug binaries.  They can be debugged in
@@ -209,8 +207,7 @@ compile the source as described above.
 #cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles"                       \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release                \
        -DKICAD_PYTHON_SCRIPTING=ON               \
-       -DKICAD_PYTHON_MODULES=ON                 \
 You only need to include the KICAD_PYTHON_MODULES option if you want to
 install the python modules that ship with KiCad.  Also note that the wxPython
=== modified file 'Documentation/compiling/mac-osx.txt'
--- old/Documentation/compiling/mac-osx.txt	2013-06-05 14:03:16.766999000 +0200
+++ new/Documentation/compiling/mac-osx.txt	2014-01-07 09:59:15.237999000 +0100
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ user@mac-osx$ make
 It is also possible to give all the options on the commandline and not to edit the CMakeCache.txt. This is a oneliner for Leopard and up:
-cmake ~/Repositories/testing -DKICAD_TESTING_VERSION=ON -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="i386 -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-D__ASSERTMACROS__" -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk"
+cmake ~/Repositories/testing -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="i386 -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-D__ASSERTMACROS__" -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk"
 Optional compiler cache
=== modified file 'common/build_version.cpp'
--- old/common/build_version.cpp	2013-08-05 17:38:50.588000000 +0200
+++ new/common/build_version.cpp	2014-01-07 09:59:15.237999000 +0100
@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@
 #   define KICAD_BUILD_VERSION "(2013-jul-14)"
-#   define VERSION_STABILITY  "stable"
-#   define VERSION_STABILITY  "product"
  * Function GetBuildVersion
  * Return the build date and version
@@ -24,8 +17,7 @@ wxString GetBuildVersion()
     wxString msg = wxString::Format(
         wxT( "%s-%s" ),
-        wxT( KICAD_BUILD_VERSION ),
     return msg;
