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kicad-pcb.org content - let's maintain a


Dear All,
I have recently updated several pages of the official kicad site.

I'd like to politely suggest to all the people who have writing access to
kicad-pcb.org to pay some attention to adding and deleting contents.

This website is the official website of KiCad and so it is probably the
first place where KiCad users land when falling from the nowhere. This
means that in somehow this site represents the KiCad tool suite itself.

Maybe avoiding linking material of dubious quality is advisable. The
tutorial section is an example:


Considering the EEVblog a tutorial is a bit of a stretch. I would put it
under the section Reviews but it is in my opinion something more suitable
for the section "very personal peculiar opinions".

Just my 2c opinion.

Best regards