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Re: Revisiting the Git decision - document git-bzr bridge!


On Wed, 5 Feb 2014, Brian Sidebotham wrote:

On 5 February 2014 10:11, Jake <jake@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just want to say the same thing that a lot of other people have been
saying for a long time.  Bazaar is holding kicad back.  I am yet another
developer who would be contributing to improving the project if it weren't
kept in an arcane and frustrating VCS.

So, if you're putting letters like this in a pile somewhere, just go ahead
and put this one in the pile.

I really would love it if kicad went to git, not just to make it easy for me
to contribute, but for lots and lots of people who would jump in and help.

thank you for everything you've done and all that you will do

Hi Jake,

Did you read the whole of this subject? Go ahead and use Git if you
want, no-one is going to stop you. Links have been provided on
information to allow you to develop using Git.

We look forward to your contributions.

Best Regards, Brian.

Hi Brian,

I assume you're referring to git-bzr-ng which I was told about on irc. Supposedly this can allow a git user to interact with the bazaar system transparently. That would be great, except i can't get it to work.

Maybe i'm dumb, and i don't know how to install it. I cloned the repo from https://github.com/termie/git-bzr-ng but there is no install script, so it does not give me a git bzr command. I tried a few things with git-bzr (the python script that is the entirety of the package) but I was not familiar enough with the bzr system to make it work. Of course I could dedicate hours to studying this script and the bazaar system, but i'm not going to do that and I don't expect most people will.

Even if i had been able to get it to work, it would only have been by finding the right people in irc to direct me to the script, and then putting more work into that. It's the same friction that everyone has been mentioning. It is a real thing, this friction.

Maybe i'm not a very good developer and I wouldn't have a lot of large patches to fix tough issues in the project, but I am a regular user of kicad (i make boards regularly) and I have a lot of suggestions on how to make it the best program for the job. I want to do this, but I have so far been unable to figure out how to work with the code.

I did not expect to write another post about this difficult issue, but you did ask. I see a lot of other people saying the same thing.

I agree that a git bridge like git-bzr would make it much easier for people like me and others, to the point of mitigating this whole debate. Is there a place where the use of git-bzr is documented, in the context of kicad, on the webpage or somewhere? It would be nice to be able to point to that quick howto, to help people who want to contribute and don't know bazaar.

thank you

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